2685479868 b61781487e

TMTT timeline

  • Sequence #1

    Sequence #1
    Benno and Heinz have to go to Holland to get away from the Holocaust and the Nazi.
  • Sequence #2

    Sequence #2
    Heinz and Benno are now in Holland after the long ride on the Kindertransport and getting sent back by the Holland guards.
  • Sequence #3

    Sequence #3
    World War II has started. Heinz and Benno are living at Emmakinderhuis convent but, not liking all the rules.
  • Sequence #4

    Sequence #4
    Heinz has moved to get a job. Benno moved with the rest of the refugees once then he got a job and started moving around to stay close to his brother (Heinz). He started when World War II started to when it ended (may 8,1945).
  • Sequence #5

    Sequence #5
    Benno has a family four years after World War II. He has a wife named Rita and a daughter.