
  • The building of the titanic

    The building of the titanic
    The building of the titanic starting in 1908 in Belfast, Ireland. In 1911 the body of the ship was launched into the water without issue. In January of 1912 the ship was prepared with the necessary items needed.
  • Setting sail

    Setting sail
    The titanic set sail on April 10th 1912 with 3,300 passengers. Of that number, 900 of them were workers and crew members
  • Free sailing

    Free sailing
    Through April 10-13 the titanic free sails throughout the sea creating many memories and romantic scenes that will remain in history.
  • Rising water

    Rising water
    By 2350hrs on the above date water is noticed to have reached the level of 14 feet in the front of the ship.
  • Titanic strikes the iceberg

    Titanic strikes the iceberg
    At approximately 2340hrs on the above date the iceberg is seen. Maneuvers to avoid the obstetrical were deployed, but failed. The ship struck the iceberg on the right side awaking many passengers.
  • Captain's receiving orders

    Captain's receiving orders
    At 0000 hrs on the above date the captain is informed that the ship is only going to be able to stay afloat for a "couple" of hours. The captain makes the executive decision to call for help.
  • Safety Resources run dry

    Safety Resources run dry
    At 0205 hrs the last safety boat was released into the water. There was a remaining 1,500 passengers remaining on the boat at that time.
  • The submerge into freezing water

    The submerge into freezing water
    At 0220 hrs the ship's stern settles into the freezing water. Most to all reaming passengers are covered in the water and left to die.
  • Recovering Bodies

    Recovering Bodies
    Between the dates 4\19 and 5\25 the ships are sent to the disaster area to recover bodies.
  • Titanic is recovered

    Titanic is recovered
    On September 1, 1985. The 73 year old Titanic wreckage was finally discovered and investigated more thoroughly