timetoast timeline chris brooks

By 3054180
  • frederick douglass publishes the north star

    frederick douglass publishes the north star
    this is one of the news[papers that went against slavery and made people think about how swag they were and moralities
  • William Lloyd garrison launches the liberator

    William Lloyd garrison launches the liberator
    This newspaper spread abolishionist thoughts throughout the U.S and made it more known about what was happening to stop slavery
  • Nat turner leads a slave revolt

    Nat turner leads a slave revolt
    one of the main reovlts that was violent, highest number of fatalities in a slave revolt since that time
  • american anti-slavery in boston

    american anti-slavery in boston
    american anti-slavery founded about 1833 and kept going, to stop slavery of course, american anti-slavery society.
  • Sarah Grimke's letters on the equality of the sexes and the condition of women

    Sarah Grimke's letters on the equality of the sexes and the condition of women
    she argues for slavery and women's rights and actually gets somewhere, however little that may be.
  • Garnets address to the slaves

    the speech
    he addresses the people, and of course wants to give slaves freedom
  • women's right convention at seneca falls, new york

    women's right convention at seneca falls, new york
    this is , of course, a convention about women's rights, and about the only public thing on women's rights, also shows that womens' rights are starting to become as prevalent as slavery abolition
  • Harriet Tubman escapes slavery

    Harriet Tubman escapes slavery
    she would later set up the underground railroad, making it easier for slaves to escape.
  • fugitive slave act

    fugitive slave act
    required that all slaves that had escaped were to be returned to their master, and caused the northerners to be wary
  • Ain't I a woman speech by sojourner truth

    Ain't I a woman speech by sojourner truth
    talks to a wider audience than the newspaper, and speaks out against slavery and women's rights(in the good way).
  • harriet beacher stowe's uncle tom's cabin was published

    harriet beacher stowe's uncle tom's cabin was published
    this proceeded to lay the groundwork fo rthe civil war
  • republican party founded

    republican party founded
    of course this started the parties that are today
  • kansas-nebraska act

    kansas-nebraska act
    allowed kansas and nebraska to decide for themselves whether they wanted to be a free or slave state
  • bleeding kansas

    bleeding kansas
    kansas suffered the highest casualty rates, had a civil war to decide if it would be a free state or not.
  • charles sumner beating

    charles sumner beating
    reps entered the senate and beat charles sumner
  • The lecompton constitution rejected

    The lecompton constitution rejected
    this constitution was overwhelmingly rejected by congress
  • Dred scott decision

    Dred scott decision
    blacks had no standing to sue the federal government, and they could not be citizens, free or not free.
  • lincoln-douglas debates

    lincoln-douglas debates
    debates, of course, between stephen douglas and abraham lincoln
  • John brown's raid on harper's ferry

    John brown's raid on harper's ferry
    raid on a weapons depot, as slaves. slaves failed and were wiped out.
  • election of 1860

    this served as an immediate cause for the outbreak of the civil war.