
Timeline To Independence

  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    This was to prevent war against colonists. Britain has closed off the west of the Appalachian Mountains for colonists. Colonists ignored this law. Britain also wanted colonists to help pay for the Empire.
  • Sugar Act of 1764

    Sugar Act of 1764
    Taxes that were set for colonists that if they sent or bought sugar or molasses any were but Britain they would haft to pay.
  • Stamp Act of 1765

    Stamp Act of 1765
    People were taxed when buying playing cards, documents, newspapers, dice, and calendars. All of these things had little stamps on them, knowing that it would be taxed.
  • Townsend Act of 1767

    Townsend Act of 1767
    Glass, paper, paint, lead, and tea were all taxed. Tax collectors were able to look for smuggled goods at any time. Colonists acted against this by boycotting and rioting. 1000 red coats patrolled protests.
  • Boston Massacre of 1770

    Boston Massacre of 1770
    Rioting crowds attacked British troops. After a while no one knows who but someone ordered fire and the British open fired. British soldiers don’t get in trouble. From then on there were no more taxes except on tea. Colonists were angry about the Townsend Act!
  • Boston Tea Party of 1773

    Boston Tea Party of 1773
    Protests were organized that lead to the Boston Tea Party. Sons of Liberty members threw three-hundred and forty-two barrels of tea into the Boston Harbor.
  • Tea Act of 1773

    Tea Act of 1773
    British East India Company was given by Britain to Americans. BEIC were in financial trouble.
  • Intolerable Act 1774

    Intolerable Act 1774
    Was ment to punish Boston Tea Party. Boston closed the Boston Harbor. Meatings in town were all baned.
  • Lexington and Concord of 1775

    Lexington and Concord of 1775
    Wepons and supplies would be stored here by colonists. British soldiers tried as hard as they could to get those guns and supplies. There were 70 minutemen and 700 British soldiers. The minutemen were greatly out numbered.
  • Second Continental Congress of 1775

    Second Continental Congress of 1775
    People met in Philadelphia to talk about what had happend in Lexington and Concord. They tried to send people out to agree on peace and have the fighting stop. They also declated independence.
  • Declatation of Independence of 1776

    Declatation of Independence of 1776
    A pamphlet was written by wanting independence for Britian. Thomas Payn wrote Common Sense. The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson. This was written after the decline of peace that was offerd. The Second Continental Congress sighned they Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Although those who had sighned this document were committing treason!