In the beggining of The Veldt, Bradbury acknowledges that the family lives in a futurisric house, which is able to perform daily activities for its inhabitants. It is then informed that the most advanced component of the house is the nursery, all of which is similar to a virtual reality room.
The story starts off with the dialogue between George and Lydia, who are the owners of the house. It is shown that Lydia is skeptical of the nursery and wishes for a psychologist to investigate it. -
Rising Action 1
George and Lydia inspect the nursey themselves and notice the room is set in an African grassland setting. The two are worried of the setting, beacause of two fierce lions that chase them outside of the room. Their encouter with the lions draw them to question their kids, Peter and Wendy, as to why the room was set to a dangerous environment. Wendy then proves that the room was set in a peaceful forest, which only makes George even more suspicious. -
Rising Action 2
George and Lydia call a psychologist to come and help with their situation. David McClean, the psychologist, tells the two that he suspects that the room is has a negative influence and that the children need therapy. He suggests to the parents that they should forbid the children to ever enter the room and tear it down. The two agree and tell Peter and Wendy that they are never to go back into the nursery. The children become angry and are ordered to start packing to leave and wait for McClean. -
The children do as their told, but then call out for their parents. George and Lydia run into the nursery, in search for Peter and Wnedy, and are then trapped inside. The setting changes to the veldt and awating them are two lions. All that is heard are their screams from inside. -
Falling Action
McClean comes to pick up the family and walks into the nursery, seeing the children having a picnic on the veldt. He examines the environment and notices two lions finishing a fresh meal, possibly being the corpses of George and Lydia.