Timeline of Mathematical History

By MoGHew
  • Period: Jan 1, 1170 to Jan 1, 1245

    Leonardo "Fibonacci"

    Introduced the decimal system (what we use in mathematics today).
    1.17 X 10^3 to 1.245 X 10^3
  • Period: to

    Rene Descartes

    Inventor of Analytic Geometry.
    1.596 X 10^3 to 1.65 X 10^3.
  • Period: to

    Pierre de Fermat

    Founded Number Theory
    1.601 X 10^3 to 1.665 X 10^3
  • Period: to

    Isaac Newton

    One co-founder of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
    1.642 X 10^3 to 1.727 X 10^3
  • Period: to

    Leonard Euler

    Developed method to estimate the moon's orbit.
    1.707 X 10^3 to 1.783 X 10^3
  • Period: to

    Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss

    His work served as a foundation to the fundamentals of statistics.
    1.777 X 10^3 to 1.855 X 10^3
  • Period: to

    Niels Henrik Abel

    Developed function inversion.
    1.802 X 10^3 to 1.829 X 10^3
  • Period: to

    Carl G. J. Jacobi

    Developed the Theory of Elliptic functions.
    1.804 X 10^3 to 1.851 X 10^3.
  • Period: to

    Georg Cantor

    Created Modern Set Theory
    1.845 X 10^3 to 1.918 X 10^3
  • Period: to

    David Hilbert

    Developed the Finiteness Theorem.
    1.862 X 10^3 to 1.943 X 10^3