Timeline of Khmer Empire

  • Jan 1, 1002

    Khmer Civil War 1002 C.E.

    Khmer Civil war between Jayaviravarman and Suryavarman. Suryavarman wins and rules to 1050 C.E.
  • Jan 1, 1113

    Suryavarman II made king and Angkor Wat built 1113-1150 C.E.

    Suryavarman the second is crowned the king and starts the construction of Angkor Wat which finishes in 1150 C.E.
  • Jan 1, 1177

    Champa launches attack on Khmer 1177 C.E

    The Champa launch a naval attack on the Khmer by sailing up the Mekong and Tonle Sap
  • Jan 1, 1181

    Jayarvarman VII becomes king 1181 C.E

    Jayavarman the seventh becomes king. He was famous for defeating the Chams
  • Jan 1, 1327

    End of Classical Khmer Empire 1327

    The end of the Khmer era. Last stone engravings, temple construction stopped
  • Jan 1, 1431

    Angkor abandoned 1431 C.E

    The capital Cambodia, Angkor was abandoned as well as its temples. Some construction continued
  • Jan 1, 1432

    End of Khmer Empire 1432 C.E.

    Accepted the end of Khmer Empire and the Khmer era officially put to aa end
  • Jayarvarman II becomes King C.E.

    Jayavarman the second becomes the first king of the Angkor period in the 9th century
  • Temple Mountain Bakong built 877-889 C.E

    First Temple Mountain Bakong was built by Indravarman from 877-889 C.E. later to become his residence
  • First settlements in Mekong Delta 6000 B.C.E

    Archaeologists find evidence that shows the Cambodian’s first settlements in the Mekong Delta