Timeline events for the 1850s

  • Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Written

    Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Written
    A set of Resolutions written up by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson. It claimed that the Sedation and Alien Acts had gone too far by the guidelines of the Constitution. The acts teired to punish anyone who spoke poorly about the government. However, these acts weren't favored because they believed to be breaking the first ammendemnt to the Constitution, freedom of speech. Virginia and Kentucky were the only two states to adopt the resolutions.
  • Hartford Convention meets during War of 1812

    Hartford Convention meets during War of 1812
    In 1814 the people of New England Gather in Hartford to discus the problems that war was bringing. New Englanders were calld federalists. The federalists were unhappy with the financial measures that the National government had taken so far in war.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Comprimise was when missouri wanted to join the country as a slave state. The problem with this that there was already a balence of eleven slave and eleven free states in the senate. If missouri joined it would be unequal. To solve this they had the state of Maine join as a free state. Also the implimented the 36 30 line.
  • Tariff of Abominations Passed

    Tariff of Abominations Passed
    This was a tax to try and help the Northerern's economy. The government taxed imported items. Unfortunatly for the Southerners it wasn't too good for their economy so they were the ones who gave it the name the "tariff of Abominations"
  • South Carolina tries to nullify

    South Carolina tries to nullify
    South Carolina tries to nullify the "tariff of Abomination " because they saw it as unfair. They thought it was only made to help the North and ended up hurting them. It was finally deemed as unconstitutional and deemed with a new compromise.
  • Abolition of Slavary Act (1833)

    Abolition of Slavary Act (1833)
    In 1833 parliament in Britian passed the Abolition of Slavery Act. This act gave all slaves in the British empire their freedom. The government paid the slaveholders for their slaves.
  • Texas declares independence from

    Texas declares independence from
    Delegates met at a convention to discuss Mexico's independence. They voted unanimously and what was known as Texus was know the Republic of Texis.
  • James Polk elected

    James Polk elected
    Polk was a democratic politician whose main goals had to do with expansion. He faught strongly for the Annexation of texas and also wanted to occupy Oregon. He was called the "dark horse " canidate because he wasn't expected to beat his opponants.
  • Mexican War

    Mexican War
    President Polk offered Mexico a large sum of money to purchase Nothern Mexico becuase America wanted to expand. The Mexicans were offended that they would even offer and didn;t even meet to discus the offer. This caused Polk to send troops to the Rio Grande. During this battle there were many casualties from both sides. The Americans eventually won and payed only half of what they originally offered for Northern Mexico.
  • Wilmont Proviso

    Wilmont Proviso
    In 1846, David Wilmont proposed that no land won in the
    Mexican war went towards slavery. This law was supported highly by the northerners because the majority were in favor of the abolition of slavery. Unfortunatly, this law was never passed. However, it did spark a conversation in the senate about whether slavery should be legal.
  • California enters the Union

    California enters the Union
    The treaty of Guadeloupe allowed California to become under US rule. California was a state in favor of no slavery as decided by popular soviergnty.At first that caused problems because the senate wouldn't be even, but after the compromise of 1850 they were officially part of the United States.
  • Fugitive Slave Law enacted

    Fugitive Slave Law enacted
    This law was part of the fugitive slave law. This law made Northerners responable for capturing and returning runaway slaves to the South. The Northerners didn't support slavery so they didn't do it.
  • Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin
    This was a book written by Harriet Beecher. Beecher was a white woman who wrote about slavery being bad in her book. Her book was extremely popular and helped with the anti-slavery movement. Over half a million copies were sold in England and America.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act passed

    Kansas-Nebraska Act passed
    This act allowed white males in Kansas and Nebraska to have oppertunity to be able to vote on whether or note they wanted slavery in their state
  • Formation of Republican Party

    Formation of Republican Party
    The republican party was formed out of the people of the North. Rebulicans opposed slavery and the spreading of it.
  • "Border Ruffians" attack Lawrence

    "Border Ruffians" attack Lawrence
    In 1856 groups of borger ruffians entered lawrence and caused a disterbence. They ransacked homes, destroyes buildings, and set fire to structures. To retaliate, John Brown, an abolitionist and a group of men took 5 supporters of slavery from their home and killed them.
  • Charles Sumner attacked

    Charles Sumner attacked
    Charles Sumner (antislavery) blamed Andrew Butler in a speech for knowing about the plans of the border ruffians and not doing anything to stop them. After a few days Roger Brooks (representative of Southcarlina) beats Sumner unconsious with a metal cane for revenge.
  • Pottawatomie Creek

    Pottawatomie Creek
    To get revenge on the attack on Lawrence, John Brown and a group of other abolitionists went to Pottawatomie Creek. When there they took five men in favor of slavery out of their house and killed them. This sparked Southeastern Kansas to break out into a massive feud.
  • Dred Scott decision announced

    Dred Scott decision announced
    Dred scott was a slave who like others was suing his master for his freedom. Scott claimed that because his master took him to a free state it justified his reasoning that he was a free man. The Supreme court, however, thouyght otherwise. Rogeer B. Taney said that because he was considered property the government cold't just take him away.Also he said that Scott wasn't a citizen.
  • Lecompton Constitution passed

    Lecompton Constitution passed
    The constitution gave a slaveholder more rights over their slave. It also stopped slaves from being deported to Kansas. By having this document it meant that your state was a slave state.
  • Licoln Douglas Debates

    Licoln Douglas Debates
    Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln were both running for the U.S. senate. Lincoln was in favor of stopping the spread of slavery. However, Douglas supported popular sovernty. Douglas ended up winning the senate seat but that allowed Lincoln's name to get out there which hlater helped him win presidency.
  • Raid at Harpers Ferry

    Raid at Harpers Ferry
    John Brown, an abolitionist went to Harpors Ferry witha group of 21 men (five of whom being his sons). After capturing the arsonal they held some citizens hostage. Soon after, they wee defeated by the local militia of whom ended up killing five of brown's men.
  • Formation of Constitutional Union Party

    Formation of Constitutional Union Party
    This party's main purpose was to adhere to the guidelines of the constitution. It formed just before the Election of 1860. They had a meeting in which over 20 delegates from different states attended. At that meeting they decided to have bell run for president for their party.
  • Democrats split in 1860

    Democrats split in 1860
    This split was due to the two sides disagreeing over popular sovernty. The democrats believed that popular sovernty was a good thing people it gave the power to te people so if they wanted slavery they could have it. The republicans weren't in favor of it because it didn't effectivaly stop the spread of slavery.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The canidates in this race were bell, douglas, breckinridge, and lincoln. The north mostly voted for Lincoln because he supported their veiws of slavery being wrong. Lincoln ended up winning the election with just a mere forty percent for the popular vote
  • South Carolina Suceeds

    South Carolina Suceeds
    The confederates states were worried when Licoln (a republican) was w=voted into office. They believe that they would eventually be forced into giving up their ways of having slaves because of their opposing beliefs. Before Lincoln was inaugerated ten more southern states followed South Carolina and left the union.
  • Abraham Lincoln Innogurated

    Abraham Lincoln Innogurated
    Although many of the Southern states had succeded and formed the Confederacy, he refused to believe it. During his inagural speech. He didn't recognise them as a country and made it clear that he did not have the power to end slavery, just to end the further spread of it.
  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    Attack on Fort Sumter
    When south Carolina suceeded, they assumed Fort Sumter would remain theirs because it is in their state. Lincoln, however, didn't want them to have it and told his troops to stay there. South Carolina said that they would not allow them to be restocked for supplies and if they did, they would go into battle. Lincoln eventually did send more supplies which caused the first shot to be fired (knowone knows from which side it was).
  • First Battle of the Bull Run

    First Battle of the Bull Run
    The first battle of the Bull Run is considered the first battle of the Cival war. It is also commonly reffered to as the battle of Manassas. The Unon was marching towards Richmond, the confederate capital, but ran into the Confederate army in Manassas. This caused the union to be sent back and it to be aware that the wasr was going to take longer thaan originally expected.
  • Battle of the Monitor and the Merrimac

    Battle of the Monitor and the Merrimac
    This battle took place in Swell's point in Virginia. This battle lasted a total of two days with the first of which the confederates being victorious and the second the union.
  • McClellan Returns to Washington after the Penninsula Campaign

    McClellan Returns to Washington after the Penninsula Campaign
    The goal of Penninsula Campaign was to transport a large amount of the union army to a Penninsula east of the Confederate Capital (Richmond). McCelellen gets very close to the captal but doesn't do any serious harm which angers Lincoln so much that he fires him.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    The battle of Shiloh really showed the determination of the Union army. On the first night of battle they were on the road to a loss, but the following day when more troops were sent in they finally broke the Confederate lines. This also proved to be one of the most deadly battles of the cival war.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    Just as the First Battle of Bull run occured, the Union ends up losing to the Confederates. After McClellen was fired from the last battle Pope was hired. But after doubts started to appear in the north about whether or not we should even be bothering to fight the war, McClellen was re-hired.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    The Battle of Antietum was the Confederates attempt to get England to allign with them and to have the border state of Maryland succed and join them. If Maryland succeeded the
    Union would be in trouble because that's where their capital was located and if there capital succeeded they would have to move it. The battle was extremely bloody and came out a draw. The Union considered it their first "victory" up untill that point.
  • Emancipation Proclimation takes effect

    Emancipation Proclimation takes effect
    In this proclamation Lincoln made two laws. The first law said slaves were illegal in all the succeded states. The only way to remain a slave state was to send delagates to the next meeting, therefore, rejoining the union. The second was that African Americans were allowed to join the army.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    This battle is said to be one of Lee's proudest victories. General Hooker lead the Union to try and defeat the confederates but fell short. The Confederates greatly outnumbered the Union army.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    On the Confederates second attempt to attack the north, their goal was to get northerners who weren't dedicated to the union, to swith over to the confederacy. It has been said that the Confederates made their way to Gettsburg in search of shoes. Chamberlain, a school teacher, defended little round top for five attacks which ultimitly lead to a union victory.
  • Surrender of Vicksburg

    Surrender of Vicksburg
    In Vicksburg, Confederate troops surrendered to Union troops.
  • Battle of Fort Wagner

    Battle of Fort Wagner
    The Battle of Fort wagner on the Union's side was lead by Robert Gould Shaw's Massachusetts 54th regiment. This was significant becuase it was the firt all african american unit. Unfortunatly, the Union was defeated with forty percent of the men killed in battle, including Shaw.
  • Lincoln Delivers Gettysburg Address

    Lincoln Delivers Gettysburg Address
    Lincoln gave a speech after the battle of gettysburg to commemorate all those who had been lost. At the memorial Lincoln followed up a two hour speech with a 200 word one that barely lasted two minutes. His speech held a lot of meaning but it was criticized for it's length.
  • Grant Displays Fighting Style at Cold Harbor

    Grant Displays Fighting Style at Cold Harbor
    Grant, the Union general decided to attempt a new fighting style. Instead of having the union work in multiple units, he had them work as one large group. This fighting style ultimatly failed because of lack of communication and planning.
  • Atlanta Burns to the Ground

    Atlanta Burns to the Ground
    During the Atlanta Campain, the Union army destroyed the city by burning it to the ground. After Confederate General John Bell hood fled, the Mayor James Calhoun surrendered. Sherman burnt Atlanta to the ground then prepared for his march to the sea.
  • Sherman Set out for the Sea

    Sherman Set out for the Sea
    After capturing Atlanta, Sherman decided that Savanah was his next target. Him and his troops went on a six month march and practiced total war on the way there. They burnt and destroyed anything that could of been of use to the Confederate army.
  • Sherman Reaches Savanah

    Sherman Reaches Savanah
    Ater capturing and scorching Atlanta, sherman begins his march to the sea. On the way to Savanah, the union army practiced scorched earth policy. That means they burnt whatever they could to keep the Confederacy at a handicap.
  • Lincoln Delivers Second Inaugural Address

    Lincoln Delivers Second Inaugural Address
    On March fourth 1865, Lincoln delivered his second Inaugeral Address. The war was still going on but after the capturing of Georgia it was assumed the Union was going to win.
  • Surrender at Appomattox

    Surrender at Appomattox
    General Lee surrendered to General Grant at Appomattox court house, VA. The surrender ended the civil war and allowed the troops to return home.
  • Robert E. Lee Surrenders Commision

    Robert E. Lee Surrenders Commision
    At Appotomax court house the union got hold of many confederate supplies. This caused General Lee of the South to surrender to General Grant of the North which ended the Civil war.
  • Richmond Falls

    Richmond Falls
    Richmond, the Confederate Capital finally fell after grant's army was victorious at the battle of five forks. In the battle, the union first took Petersburg which eventually allowed them to take Richmond.