Timeline English

  • Period: 1518 to


    When slavery begins and ends
  • 1519

    When, where and why did slavery arise in the world?

    When, where and why did slavery arise in the world?
    Slavery dates back to ancient times, in Egypt, Greece, Rome there were slaves. It arose from the use of labor from captives of a war, from inhabitants of conquered towns, although in some cases it could be due to debts.
  • 1562

    Why does slavery occur?

    Why does slavery occur?
    Among the main causes of modern slavery is poverty, which makes people who suffer from it more vulnerable, especially children. They can more easily fall (either voluntarily or by force) into some forms of slavery that exist today.
  • black market

    black market
    The African slave trade was one of the practices carried out with slaves captured in Africa, although the general use of the expression restricts the geographical location to sub-Saharan Africa or "black Africa", identifying as "black" the subjects of such slave trade.
    The man was worth 400 euros
  • How to recognize slavery

    They were deceived. ...
    They are isolated. ...
    Their passports have been confiscated. ...
    They work to pay off a debt. ...
    They promise them a salary they never receive. ...
    They work long hours, but are not paid overtime. ...
    They live and work under abusive conditions.
  • What became of the slaves

    What became of the slaves
    Slavery was personal, this is not hereditary, the children of slaves were considered free. A slave could have possessions and even own other slaves. They could buy their freedom or obtain it if they proved to have been mistreated, or if they had had children or had married their masters.
  • Trafficking and slavery in Spanish territories

    Trafficking and slavery in Spanish territories
    Slavery to Spain will be a common practice in different regions of the Iberian peninsula during the Mitjana region, which is going from the modern era to the Spanish possessions in America.
  • How was the life of a slave

    How was the life of a slave
    There were 1.3 million black slaves in the United States. Slaves did not enjoy any civil rights in the nation that had pioneered their recognition and guarantee. They could be traded or sold as a good.
  • What is the cause of slavery?

    What is the cause of slavery?
    Among the main causes of modern slavery is poverty, which makes people who suffer from it more vulnerable, especially children. They can more easily fall (either voluntarily or by force) into some forms of slavery that exist today.
  • When slavery ends

    When slavery ends
    Emancipation of slaves in the USA, a 150-year struggle. On January 1, 1863, Abraham Lincoln decreed the end of slavery and equal rights and privileges for all.
  • The uighurs chinese

    The uighurs chinese
    The detention of the Uighurs is part of the Chinese government's attempt to consolidate power through forced cultural uniformity. Due to their Turkish religion and ethnicity, Uighurs have traditionally been the target of Islamophobia and racism in China. In 2014, in the framework of the so-called "people's war on terror", the Uyghurs were officially classified as a threat to the Communist Party.