
The South and The Slave Controversy

  • Period: to

    The South and The Slave Controversy

  • Eli Whitney applies for a patent on cotton gin

    Eli Whitney applies for a patent on cotton gin
    A cotton gin is a machine that quickly and easily separates cotton fibers from their seeds, allowing for much greater productivity than manual cotton separation. Slavery was decreasing exponetially because of the cost of farming and low profit, but with the cotton gin making production faster slavery increased quickly.
  • African American Religion

    African American Religion
    Free African Americans founded their own independent churches and denominations. The first African American Baptist and Methodist churches were founded in Philadelphia in 1794.
  • House Servants

    House Servants
    Fully 1/3 of the female slaves in Virginia worked as house servants by 1800. House work was much more prefered and easier then field work.
  • Sold "Down the River"

    Sold "Down the River"
    Slaves learned that they would be sold down river and became more rebellous. Slaves were sold in new clothes to look good.
  • Gabriel Processer Led the Slave Revolt

    Gabriel Processer Led the Slave Revolt
    Gabriel Processor was a literate enslaved blacksmith who planned a large slave rebellion in the Richmond area in the summer of 1800. Information was leaked prior to it actually happening, and he and twenty-five followers were taken captive and hanged in punishment. After, Virginia legislatures passed restrictions on free blacks, as well as prohibiting the education, assembly, and hiring out of slave.
  • A Slave Society in a Changing World

    Abolishment on on the impoprtation of slaves from Africa became law on 1 Jan 1808. The south lost major political contol to the North and Northwest.
  • The Price of Survival

    The Price of Survival
    In 1808, African American women had a birth rate of 35-40. In 1850, life expectancy for slaves was 30-33 years and 40-43 for white people.
  • Plantation Slavery

    Plantation Slavery
    Legal importation of slaves ended in 1808 but slaves were still smuggled to the South because of their high value to the farmers. Most slaves were the offspring of slaves already in America. Planters regarded slaves as major investments.
  • American Colonization Society

    American Colonization Society
    The American Colonization Society was founded in 1817 and focused on transporting the blacks back to Africa.The ACS was made up mostly of evangelicals and Quakers who supported abolition but who did not wish to socialize or interact with free blacks and Chesapeake slaveholders.
  • To be a Slave

    To be a Slave
    Slavery had become distinctively southern by 1820. The number of slaves grew from 700,000 in 1790 to 4 million in 1860.
  • Artisians and Skilled Workers

    Artisians and Skilled Workers
    Primarily most of the skilled workmen in the south were slaves. Blacks worked as Lumber Jacks and of the 16,000 almost all were black.
  • Yeoman Values

    Yeoman Values
    In 1828 and 1832, southern yeomen and poor white men voted overwhelmingly for Andrew Jackson. Many southern yeomen lived apart from large slave holders.
  • Free Blacks: Slaves Without Masters

    Free Blacks: Slaves Without Masters
    Many free blacks settled in New Orleans. In the South, the free blacks were prohibited from having certain jobs and forbidden from testifying against whites in court. They were known as the "3rd Race." In the North, the free blacks as individuals were
    hated more than in the South. White southerners liked the black as an individual, but hated the race.
  • The Abolitionist Impact in the North

    The Abolitionist Impact in the North
    Abolitionists were very unpopular for a long time in many parts of the North. The North also had a heavy economic stake in Dixieland; by the late 1850s, the southern planters owed northern bankers and other creditors about $300 million.
  • William Lloyd Garrison Published "The Liberator"

    William Lloyd Garrison Published "The Liberator"
    He was the most influential white abolitionist who started a group of radical abolitionists through the publication of his magazine, "The Liberator", in 1831. Garrison published weekly issues of The Liberator from Boston continuously for 35 years, from January 1, 1831, to the final issue of January 1, 1866.
  • Theodore D. Weld Preached Against Slavery

    Theodore D. Weld Preached Against Slavery
    He was a leading white abolitionist who preached against slavery. In 1831, he wrote "Slavery as it is" - a pamphlet that exposed the evils of slavery.
  • The Burdens of Bondage

    The Burdens of Bondage
    Slaves were not permitted to read because reading brought ideas and ideas brought discontent. Slavery in the South was known as the "peculiar institution."
  • Slave Revolts

    Slave Revolts
    Nat Turners 1831 revolt magnified southerns fears. After 1831, the possibility of slave insurrection was never far form their minds.
  • The Nullification Crisis

    The Nullification Crisis
    In 1832, states were moving to make the emancipation of any kind illegal. This Nullification Crisis of 1832 caused the voice of white southern abolitionism to be silenced. The Southerners argued that slavery was supported by the Bible.
  • British abolish slavery in the West Indies

    British has not had use of slaves for a while so aboloshes slavery easily.
  • U.S. Post Office Orders Destruction of Abolitionist Mail

    U.S. Post Office Orders Destruction of Abolitionist Mail
    A lot of orginizations sided with slavery because it brought business. Slavery was not in their worries, they just wanted money.
  • House of Representatives passes “Gag Resolution”

    Legislation passed by the House of Representatives called for all appeals concerning slavery to be tabled without debate.
  • The Middle Class

    By 1837, the Tredegar Iron Works company was the third largest foundary in the nation. Many southern planters scorned members of the commercial middle class.
  • Ye Southern Planter

    A painting that showed the luxaries of a plantation owner. This was very negative towards slaves since they didn't get anything out of having to work.
  • Liberty Party

    Liberty Party
    This was America's first antislavery political party, formed in 1840. When the party ran a presidential candidate in the 1844 election, it split the Republican vote and tipped the 1844 election in favor of Democrat James Polk.
  • Sojourner Truth

    Sojourner Truth
    Sojourner Truth freed black woman who fought for black emancipation and women's rights.
  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    The United States of America annexed the Republic of Texas and admitted it to the Union as the 28th state.
  • Frederick Douglass

    Frederick Douglass
    Frederick Douglass was an American social reformer, orator, writer and statesman. After escaping from slavery, he became a leader of the abolitionist movement. He lectured widely for abolitionism and looked to politics to end slavery.
  • Abe Lincoln

    Abe Lincoln
    Abe Lincoln was elected into Congress in 1846.
  • The Planter Aristocracy

    The Planter Aristocracy
    Only 1,733 families owned more than 100 slaves. This group led politically and socially. These planter aristocrats enjoyed a large share of southern wealth: educated their children in finest schools, money provided leisure for study, reflection, and statecraft, felt obligated to serve the public.
  • The White Majority

    The White Majority
    The less wealthy slave owners were below the wealthy slaves owners. The smaller slave owners didn't own a majority of the slaves, but they made up a majority of the masters. Next came the large number of whites, which was 3/4 of the South white's poplution, who didn't own slaves. These whites were a support of slavery because they wanted to eventually own a slave or two and achieve the "American dream" of moving up socially in society.
  • The Fugitive Slave Act

    The Fugitive Slave Act
    The Fugitive Slave Act was passed by the United States Congress, as part of the Compromise of 1850 between Southern slave-holding interests and Northern Free-Soilers.
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe

    Harriet Beecher Stowe
    Harriet Beecher Stowe wwas an American abolitionist and author. Her novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin, was a depiction of life for African-Americans under slavery. It became influential in the United States and United Kingdom. It energized anti-slavery forces in the American North, while provoking widespread anger in the South.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

     Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The Kansas–Nebraska Act created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, opening new lands for settlement, and had the effect of repealing the Missouri Compromise of 1820 by allowing settlers in those territories to determine through Popular Sovereignty whether they would allow slavery within each territory.
  • Dred Scott vs. Sanford

    Dred Scott vs. Sanford
    This said that African Americans were not citizens, so they had no standing to sue in federal court. Secondly, it said that the federal government had no power to regulate slavery in any territory acquired before the creation of the United States. Dred Scott was a former slave.
  • Life Under the Lash

    Life Under the Lash
    White southerners exaggerated slave life. Actual slave life varied between each southern region, though hard work, ignorance, and oppression was associated with slavery everywhere. Some laws of protection, but hard to enforce due to the fact that slaves were forbidden to testify in court.
  • Cotton is King

    Cotton is King
    Cotton King was a slogan used by southerners to support secession from the United States by arguing that cotton exports would make an independent Confederacy economically prosperous. The South controlled Britain because 75% of Britain's cotton came from the South.
  • Torture Mask Created

    Torture Mask Created
    The Torture Mask was invvented to show the power of slave owners.