
Immigration Timeline with a Focus on Forced Immigration (I.E The Slave Trade)

  • Period: to

    Forced Migration of Slaves Into the United States Was Legal in All or Some States

    For two hundred years the forced immigration of Indian and Black slaves was legal in the United States (There is an unverified record that states that slaves were in Virginia well before 1619). Throughout the history of slavery in the New World 12.5 Million were forced to immigrate here. (This number is based on estimates by David Eltis and David Richardson).
  • First American Slave Carrier Launched

    The actual date (other than the year) is uncertain. But, in 1936 the first American slave carrier was launched. This carrier's name was "Desire". This event can arguably be the turning point in the United States that leads to disasterous consequences in the future. While we know that slaves existed all around the world before this time, this is one of the earliest reccolections of forced immigration that originated inside of the United States.
  • Connecticut Legalizes Slavery

    While Slavery in itself does not neccesarily relate to immigration, the fact that many (most, in fact) slaves were forcibly brought over to North America from their home countries, does. In this timeline I will have the dates that many states legalized slavery for the purpose of showing the relation between the amount of states that allow slavery and the amount of people who were forced to immigrate into North America.
  • States Pass Laws Refusing Slaves the Right to Bear Arms

    Massachusets, New York, Connecticut, and New Hampshire pass laws annihalating slave's rights to bear arms. In the case of Massachustes, this was not only passing a law, but overturning an older one that had been passed that did indeed give slaves this small right.
  • Maryland Legalizes Slavery

  • New York and New Jersey Legalize Slavery

  • Quakers Pass the First Antislavery resolution

    This is important because it is a small but defined event in history that has influence on the eventual abolishion of slavery.
  • Slave Importation Decreases Dramatically

    By about this time, a little less than 200,000 slaves lived in North America. That is about the amount of people that were forced to come here.
  • Pensylvania Legalizes Slavery

  • Blacks outnumber Whites In South Carolina

    The title of this event gives a more defined understanding of just how many slaves were forced to immigrate.
  • Rhode Island Prohibits the "clandestine" importation of Blacks and Indians.

    This event marks an important event in history. Rhode Island prohibiting the obvious importation of slaves may be a turning point for the entire country. While the fact that they prohibit the "clandestine" importation leaves a lot to be desired, many states follow in their lead (which will be mentioned in this timeline). This is an important event.
  • Pensylvania prohibits the importation of slaves

  • Rhode Island Legalizes Slavery

    This is unfortunate. four years previously Rhode Island prohibits the importation of slaves, but they still make slavery legal.
  • Pensylvania Quakers Prohibit Their Members From Owning Slaves or Participating In the Slave Trade.

    While Quakers were not taken seriously at this time (Christianity is still considered the only valid religion), it is important that any group is taking a stand against the migration of forced peoples.
  • South Caroline Opens a New Port To Import Slaves From Africa

  • U.S Law Declares Slave Trading to Be A Capital Offense

    At this time, the United States government decides that participation in the slave trade in any capactiy is a capital offense.
  • Libera is Founded as a colony for Blacks Fleeing America

    This event, to me, really embodies the difference between the feeling people had of immigration into America in the past and how people feel about immigration in the present. This will be discussed more in depth in the final timeline entry.
  • MEXICO abolishes slavery and becomes a refuge for people FLEEING AMERICA

    The title of this event marks a definitive difference between migration patterns of the past and migration patterns of the present.
  • Chinese Eclusion Act

    At this point, the Chinese Exclusion Act came into play in the United States which suspended Chinese immigration for 10 years. This is coming from the country that had, over the course of its history, FORCED 12.5 million people to immigrate here. We are starting to see the ideas of immigration changing in the United States.
  • Immigration Literacy Tests

    At this time a literacy test was added to the immigration requirements (in addition to the requirement that the immigrant know English). There was also a ban on all immigrants from Asia entering during this time.
  • How Does the Slave Trade Relate To Attitudes About Immigration Today?

    For some reason, when people think about immigration they do not think about the slave trade at all. Instead they think about things they picked up in history classes; such as when all those Irish came over because they couldn't eat Potatoes, or Ellis Island and how we were obviously so great of a country that we needed to make sure people knew certain things (such as English) before they were allowed into the country. However, in my opinion, the forced immigration of slaves into (continued)
  • How Does the Slave Trade Relate To Attitudes About Immigration Today?

    North America is extremely important to consider when thinking about current attitudes and policies regarding immigration in the present day. One main thing that the slave trade impresses upon some people in the present in that White people are superior to other races, and this is proved by the fact that we were able to force them into our country. This idea manifests through bigotry and hatred. It is also interesting to see that much of our country is calling for tighter borders and (continued)
  • How Does the Slave Trade Relate To Attitudes About Immigration Today?

    immigration policies when we used to not only encourage immigrants, but force them. The attitude that this creates is that immigrants should only be allowed in the country when we have a need or a "Desire" for them. This also augments the idea that Americans are more entitled to natural rights than others.