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Timeline Communicative competence

  • 1965 BCE

    Noam Chomsky

    Noam Chomsky
    Competence speech community, applying knowledge to the language use.
  • Halliday

    Interchanging meanings which occur when people simply interact.
  • Hymes

    To use language in a social context by 8 components:setting and scene, participants, ends, act secuence, key, instrumentalities, norms and gender.
  • Widdowson

    He focused on the ability to use language, language learning is not merely the knowledge of the rules of the grammar
  • Canale and Swain

    Canale and Swain
    Theory of communicative competence in terms of:
    Grammatical competence
    Sociolinguistic competence
    Strategic competence
    Discourse competence
  • Stern

    The language as a personal experience through direct contact whit the target language community.
  • Bachman and palmer

    Bachman and palmer
    -Communicative competence: 2 components:
    Pragmatic knowledge and organizational knowledge
    -thematic knowledge: age, beliefs and histories.
    -affective scheme: positive and negative.
    -personal characteristics: age, attitude, personality and cognitive.
  • Maturana

    Communicative competence: Abilities and knowledge for interacting in different context.