Timeline Assignment

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise was created because, Missouri wanted to come in the Union as a slave state, and the south liked this idea. But the north apposed it greatly because it was over the Ohio river. So they just brought in Main as a free state, so slave and free states are equal. Everbody is happy.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    A representitive David Wilmot added an amendment saying that. No slavery will be alowed in mexico if it is added to the Union. But the southern senetors strongly aposed this amendment. So congress voted, and it was rejected.
  • California Stathood

    California Stathood
    The California Statehood is when, California wanted to come into the Union as a fre state. And Northeners were welcoming them opened arms. But the Southeners greatly aposed it because they said it would be unequal. So the south won again.
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Fugitive Slave Law
    The Fugitive slave Law was pased so people who have slaves run away, they can get them back. Because if this was not passed the people in the south say, its like loosing half their land.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin Published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin Published
    The Uncle Tom's Cabin was a book that was writen by Harriet Beecher Stowe. She had a vision in church one day, and she saw a master beating his slave to death. The slave died and his spirt forgave the master. Stowe raced home and wrote down what she saw, And made a book out of it that was a huge hit. It also turned people that were for slavery, against slavery.
  • Kansas - Nebraska Act

    Kansas - Nebraska Act
    The Kansaa - Nebraska Act is when, Senator Stephen A. Dougls sugested a bill to Congress to build a rail road all the way to California. The Congress excepted the bill, only with some few changes. Creating Kansas and Nebraska territories. Also leaving settlers to vote for slavery or no slavery, for them.
  • Onsted Manifesto

    Onsted Manifesto
    The Onsted Manifesto is when America wanted to buy Cuba from Spain. But Spain whould not let them have it. So America took Cuba by force, for more land for the U.S.
  • Raid on Lawrence,Kansas

    Raid on Lawrence,Kansas
    The Raid on Lawrence Kansas is when a group of men invaded Lawrence Kansas. And burned down houses, killed people, and a lot of destruction.
  • Charles Sumner beaten

    Charles Sumner beaten
    It started when Charles Sumner gave a speech to Congress, that the Raid of Lawrence Kansas was very wrong! Then out of the blue, came representitive Preston Brooks juming out of his seat and attaking Sumner with a cane. Beating him half to death.
  • John Brown invades Pattawatomie, Kansas

    John Brown invades Pattawatomie, Kansas
    John Brown invades Pottawatomie, Kansas, with his sons and a group of men. He killes a lot of men bruttaly. Because this was all pay back for them going over to there side and destroing a lot of there things. Also because the do not like slavery.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    The Dred Scott Decision is when, a slave named Dred Scott travoled with his owner to Wisconsin were slavery is banned. And Scott said he felt as free as ever. So he took it to the court and trying to get his freedom. But they said he can not do anything because he was not a citizen. So painfully they had to turn down his request.
  • Lincoln-Douglas debates

    Lincoln-Douglas debates
    Lincoln asked Douglas for a debate against slavery, he said yes. So Douglass said that the Dred Scott decision has put slavery to rest. But Lincoln said no, he thought slavery was a moral not an issue.
  • Harper's Ferry Raid

    Harper's Ferry Raid
    John Brown led an attake with a group of men, including his sons. And they all went over to Harper's Ferry and killed a lot of men, because of what the did to them.
  • South Carolina secedes

    South Carolina secedes
    Linoln would not alow a compromise for slavery, and he did not want to innerfer with slavery in the south. So South Carolina secedes! people, citys went wild. And other states fallowed.
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected President of the United States

    Abraham Lincoln Elected President of the United States
    There were three canadates running, including lincon. But Lincoln pulled it out with a win, a strange win. Because he was not even on the balot. But he was still proud, and so were the people who voted for him.
  • Fort Sumter attack

    Fort Sumter attack
    Hot heads from Charleson, South Carolina, bombed and shot at fort Sumter. Unleashing what has been a conflict for years will finoly be decided by war.