
  • 10,000 BCE

    Agricultural revolution

    Agricultural revolution
    the prehistoric transition from hunting and gathering to settled agriculture
    Jethro Tull- English inventor advocated the use of horses instead of oxen. They also development marked by new farming techniques and inventions that led to a massive increase in food production
  • 9000 BCE

    New Stone Age

    New Stone Age
    a broad prehistoric period during which stone was widely used to make implements with a sharp edge, a point, or a percussion surface.They used a stone for tools and they also made a wheel and an axle
  • 5000 BCE

    Eqyptian Civilization

    Eqyptian Civilization
    Egyptian farmers grew the cereal grains barley and wheat.
    They made a Pyramids and they made a time keeping and shadow clocks
  • 4000 BCE


    a succession of people from the same family who play a prominent role in business, politics, or another field. they developed a refined writing system that had over 2000 symbols and made bronze weapons
  • 3500 BCE


    Ancient region in W Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers: now part of Iraq. they made advancements in mathematics and astronomy.
  • 3000 BCE

    Indus Valley Civilization

    Indus Valley Civilization
    it's was easier to tilling of the soil because they get a lot flooded water and then dries up. They Development of Economic Patterns and They were among the first to develop a system of uniform weights and measures.
  • 2600 BCE


    a member of a group of Indian peoples chiefly of Yucatan, Belize, and Guatemala whose languages are Maya. They made their own calendar which is called Mayans calendar and three major achievements of the Mayan civilization were in architecture, astronomy and math.
  • 2000 BCE

    Chinese Civilization

    Chinese Civilization
    Early farmers were attracted to the fertile yellow soil known as loss. they invent Paper Making, Gunpowder, Printing, Compass. and their achievements was to do trading and get good money
  • 2000 BCE


    the monotheistic religion of the Jews.Judah was chief architect and engineer for the American Transcontinental railroad and Louis Santana was the financier who provided the funds for Columbus' voyage to America.
  • 1900 BCE


    were a Pr-Columbia Americanism people of central Mexico in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries.the Aztecs were accomplished artists and architects
  • 1600 BCE


    a major religious and cultural tradition of South Asia, developed from Medic religion. their achievements was Literature, Language, Education, Mathematics, Geometry, Astronomy, Surgery
  • 1046 BCE


    the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals. their achievements was Journeymen, Knight
  • 610 BCE


    the religion of the Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah. they invented Bookmaking and Literature
  • 508 BCE

    Athenian Empire

    Athenian Empire
    The Greeks called themselves Hellenes. Architects and builders set about making Athens more beautiful
  • 508 BCE

    Roman Empire

    Roman Empire
    The Greeks called themselves Hellenes and their achievement was the Roman Army, Alphabet
  • 485 BCE


    is a religion and dharma that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and spiritual practices largely based on teachings attributed to the Buddha
  • 479 BCE


    the Chinese social fabric and way of life; to Confucians, everyday life was the arena of religion and their achievement was founding Ru, a school of Chinese thought, to promote the philosophical ideals that have collectively become known as Confucianism.
  • 470 BCE

    Byzantine Empire

    Byzantine Empire
    The continuation of the Roman Empire in the East during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, when its capital city was Constantinople.the Preservation of European culture.
  • 221 BCE

    Imperial China

    Imperial China
    Shin Huang united the various warring kingdoms and created for himself the title of "emperor. they invent gunpowder is called ho yap, meaning flaming medicine.
  • 209 BCE

    Mongol Empire

    Mongol Empire
    existed during the 13th and 14th centuries and was the largest contiguous land empire in history. They invent the Postal System and Tactics
  • 14 BCE


    the breadbasket of Pakistan, but because of its aridity, water needs to be taken from the river to irrigate crops. and they Development of Economic Patterns and Accomplishments of Ancient Civilizations
  • 7 BCE


    the religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or its beliefs and practices. their achievement was the Conversion of Constantine and The Conversion of Augustine of Hippo