American Literature Timeline #1: 1600-1865

  • East India Company is Created

    East India Company is Created
    This was an English company formed for the exploitation of trade in the East, Southeast Asia, and India. This was mainly formed to participate in the Indian spice trade, but later added many items like; cotton, silk, and slave trade.
  • John Smith Discovers Jamestown

    John Smith Discovers Jamestown
    English settler who discovered the first permanent, English settlement. John Smith became the colony's leader and lead most of the exploration expeditions and hunting around that area.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The colonist found themselves at odd with Britain and go into the Revolutionary War as the colonists fight for their independence. Once the colonists declare their independence, they used their aid from the French and obtained their assistance against Great Britain.
  • U.S Constitution is Adopted

    U.S Constitution is Adopted
    Established America's national government, fundamental laws, and guaranteed certain basic rights for the people. This was signed on September 17 1787.
  • George Washington becomes the First President

    George Washington becomes the First President
    George Washington is also known as "The Father of Our Country" for many reasons like, as the former leader of the Continental Army George Washington posses the necessary credentials and became the first president.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French Revolution occurred in modern European history, it was a revolution where the people of France were enraged and overall formed the country's political landscape like their monarchy and feudal system. During this time, it caused dishearten feeling towards its many monarchs and later poor economic system.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    Industrial Revolution transforms Great Britain's cultural and physical landscape because this revolution was a process of handcraft economy to machine manufacturing dominates the economy. As the industrial revolution began to ensue, towns grew rapidly because migration of families needed jobs from the new mies and factories. Because of the migrations of families, this caused the living conditions to be horrible since towns were so crowded
  • Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution

    Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution
    Child labor was common during the industrial revolution because of many reasons like, they were paid less for the same work as adults, they were more obedient than adults, and they were naturally smaller and could fit into tighter spaces than adults.
  • Slavery Abolition Act

    Slavery Abolition Act
    Slavery was abolished in Britain and it free enslaved African Americans in places like; the Caribbean, South Africa, Canada. This did not affect in North America, but it caused Britain to be confused during the Civil War because they assumed that there was no more slavery everywhere.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    Dred Scott was a slave who was sent to the North with his owner and wasn't considered a slave because the state he was in was not a slave state. However, once his owner died, Scott became free, but Roger Taney disagreed. Taney showed to the supreme court that slaves are not people, but are property that cannot ever be free.
  • The American Civil War

    The American Civil War
    The Civil War began because of the unresolved issues that ensued during the revolution which was; the uncompromising differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government to prohibit slavery.
  • Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation

    Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation was carefully issued to preserve the Union rather then the abolition of slavery. Lincoln saw slavery as "an unqualified evil to the negro, the white man, and the State". So when he issue the emancipation proclamation, it overall stated, places Lincoln can save the slaves, he cannot, yet the places Lincoln cannot save the slaves, he can.