Anne was born
Anne Frank was born -
Imigrating to the Netherlands
Anne's family moved to the Netherlands to escape the Nazis. -
Nurinburge laws
The Nurinburg laws were passed in Nurinburg Germeny.The laws restricted Jews even more than they already were. -
Germen invation
Anne's sister was going to be sent to a consintration camp.Anne's father moved them into hideing. -
Enter the US
The Us enters trhe war after japan attacks aThe U.S navel base at Pearl harbor. -
The Diary
Anne receives a dairy for her thirteenth birhday. -
Germeny surrenders and retreats. -
The Nazi police raid the Secret Annex. -
Mother dies
Anne's mother dies in the consintration camp at Auschwitz. -
The Diary is published
The father of Anne Frank is the only sur vivor he decides to publish the diary.