
  • Lincolns Assasination

    Lincolns Assasination
    President Abe Lincoln was assassinated at Ford's Theatre by John Wilkes Boothe.
  • Ku Klux Klan founded

    Ku Klux Klan founded
    The Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1866, and the members were advocates for white supremacy.
  • Grant defeats Seymour for presidency

    Grant defeats Seymour for presidency
    Ulysses S. Grant defeats Horatio Seymour in a landslide vote in the election of 1868.
  • Fisk and Gould scandal

    Fisk and Gould scandal
    Fisk and Gould tried to hoard the nations gold then tell the treasury not to distribut any. Thereby making the value of gold go up, and making them rich.
  • Fifteenth Amendment ratified

    Fifteenth Amendment ratified
    The fifteenth amendment prohibited denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
  • Force Acts

    Force Acts
    The Force Acts were three laws passed after the Civil War to ensure that African Americans could vote and limiting the activity of the Ku Klux Klan.
  • Tweed scandal in New York

    Tweed scandal in New York
    Boss Tweed had a political machine on Tamany Hall, and he was getting rich off of corruption.
  • Credit Mobilier scandal

    Credit Mobilier scandal
    The Union Pacific Railroad company charged the government excess fees and tricked them by pretending to have contract with a company with inflated prices, and they pocketed all of the extra money.
  • Panic of 1873

    Panic of 1873
    The bank collapsed suddenly, putting America into a panic. It lasted for three years after, but they were able to get out of it.
  • Whiskey Ring Scandal

    Whiskey Ring Scandal
    A group of politicians used their corruption and greed to gain millions of dollars in excess taxes on whiskey until they were caught.
  • Hayes-Tilden election

    Hayes-Tilden election
    Republican Hayes and Democrat Tilden went head to head for the election of 1876. They were in a bit of a fix when 4 swing states voted between the two of them almost equally.
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    The Compromise of 1877 entailed that the presidency would go to Hayes if he would take the troops out of the South.
  • Garfield defeats Hancock for presidency

    Garfield defeats Hancock for presidency
    Republican James A. Garfield went against Democrat Winfield Scott Hancock, after Hayes first term in presidency, and Hancock won
  • Garfield assassinated

    Garfield assassinated
    President Garfield was assassinated by a Stalwart, in the hopes that his Vice President, Chester Arthur, would use the spoils system.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    The act banned Chinese immigration for four years because the Americans on the West Coast hated them, and even attacked them.
  • Pendleton Act

    Pendleton Act
    The Pendleton Act was issued by Chester A. Arthur. It set up the Civil Service Commission and took power away from the spoils system.
  • Cleveland is president

    Cleveland is president
    Democrat Grover Cleveland beat Republican James G. Blaine after 30 years straight of just Republicans in office.
  • Harrison wins presidency

    Harrison wins presidency
    Republican Benjamin Harris beats Democrat Grover Cleveland only one term by Cleveland
  • Thomas Reed becomes Speaker of the House of Representatives

    Thomas Reed becomes Speaker of the House of Representatives
    Thomas Reed became Speaker of the House on 1889, and he was kind of a bully to President Harrison.
  • Homestead Steel Strike

    Homestead Steel Strike
    Workers at this steel mill went on strike, so the owner of it hired a company to get them to work again, and it was a bloody battle.
  • Pullman Stirke

    Pullman Stirke
    "Coxeys Army" marches on Washington Pullman Strike.
  • Cubans Revolt Against Spain

    Cubans Revolt Against Spain
    The Cubans wanted to be free of Spanish rule, they were not treated humanely
  • Utah admitted to the Union.

    Utah admitted to the Union.
    Utah was admitted to the union several years after polygamy was banned.
  • Dingley Tariff Act

    Dingley Tariff Act
    The Dingley Tariff act raised tariffs in United States to counteract the Wilson–Gorman Tariff Act of 1894, which had lowered rates.
  • Library of Congress opened

    Library of Congress opened
    Libary of Congress holds all literary works in America.
  • Teller Amendment

    Teller Amendment
    President McKinley signed off on it. It stated that after America freed the Cubans, then they would be free
  • Hawaii Annexed

    Hawaii Annexed
    Hawaii was added to the American states.
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    The Spanish–American War was a conflict in 1898 between Spain and the United States. It ended with the Americans defeating the Spanish.
  • Maine explosion in Havana Harbor

    Maine explosion in Havana Harbor
    The ship Maine exploded in Havana Harbor, American incestigators believed that the Spanish did it on purpose.
  • Charlotte Perkins Gilman publishes Women and Economics

    Charlotte Perkins Gilman publishes Women and Economics
    It is a study of the economic relation between men and women as a factor in social evolution.
  • Phillipines acquired by America

    Phillipines acquired by America
    The senate ratifies the treay acquiring the Phillipines.
  • Kate Chopin publishes The Awakening

    Kate Chopin publishes The Awakening
    The awakening is one of the earliest American novels that focuses on women's issues. It is also widely seen as a landmark work of early feminism.
  • Foraker Act

    Foraker Act
    Foraker Act for Puerto Rico established Puerto Rican citizenship.
  • Gold Standard Act

    Gold Standard Act
    It established gold as the only thing that can redeem paper money.
  • Theodore Dreiser publishes Sister Carrie

    Theodore Dreiser publishes Sister Carrie
    It is about a young American girl who moves to the city and realizes her american dream.
  • Platt Amendment

    Platt Amendment
    It withdrew troops from Cuba after the Spanish American War and defined Cuban US relations.
  • U.S, troops leave Cuba

    U.S, troops leave Cuba
    The Spanish American War ended and the US stayed true to the Platt ammendment and left.
  • Oklahoma added to the Union

    Oklahoma added to the Union
    Oklahoma was the 46th state to be added to the Union.
  • Great White Fleet

    Great White Fleet
    The Great White Fleet was the popular nickname for the United States Navy battle fleet that completed a circumnavigation of the globe in 1907.
  • Root-Takahira agreement

    Root-Takahira agreement
    The agreement was made between the US and Japan. It consisted of the affirmation of the independence and territorial integrity of China, and also maintenance of free trade and equal commercial opportunities.
  • Payne-Aldrich Tariff

    Payne-Aldrich Tariff
    It was a bill that lowered certain tariffs on goods entering the United States.
  • Ballinger-Pinchot affair

    Ballinger-Pinchot affair
    It helped to define the U.S. conservation movement in the early 20th century.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire
    This clothing company had many women die in a fire because of inadequate fire safety measures.
  • Standard Oil anti trust act

    Standard Oil anti trust act
    It was ensued to stop the trust because it was a "bad" trust.
  • U.S. Steel Corporation antitrust suit

    U.S. Steel Corporation antitrust suit
    It won in the court case, even though it did not provide as good of service to costumers as the Standard Oil Company.
  • Taft is Republican nominee

    Taft is Republican nominee
    Taft wins the Republican nominee against Roosevelt.
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    The 17th amendment was passed by direct election of U,S, Senators. It established direct election of United States Senators by popular vote.
  • Federal Reserve Act

    Federal Reserve Act
    It created and set up the federal reserve, which is a central banking system.
  • Construction of the Panama Canal completed

    Construction of the Panama Canal completed
    The Canal was built to make American ships have an easier time getting to the different sides of the nations.
  • Clayton Anti-Trust Act

    Clayton Anti-Trust Act
    It was passed by the U.S. Congress as an amendment to clarify and supplement the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890.
  • Council of National Defense established

    Council of National Defense established
    Established so that the people would get more excited for the war. It was a civilian council
  • Espionage Act of 1917

    Espionage Act of 1917
    America made sying illegual during the war.
  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmerman Note
    Germany sends a note to Mexico attempting to make an alliance.
  • U.S. enters World War 1

    U.S. enters World War 1
    The United States enter the war for many reasons. One including the Zimmerman note.
  • Sedition Act of 1918

    Sedition Act of 1918
    Stated that you cannot say something that will put you or the ocuntry in clear and present danger.
  • Fourteen Points

    Fourteen Points
    Wilson makes up his fourteen points.
  • 18th Ammendment

    18th Ammendment
    18th ammendment passed and prohibited alcohol.
  • Wilson Pro-League tour

    Wilson Pro-League tour
    President Wilson toured the country trying to get the poeple to support the League of Nations.
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    Attempt for the world powers to dispute the treaty. Wilson fought fo rthe League of Nations.
  • Volstead Act

    Volstead Act
    This act was created to enforce Prohibition.
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    Teh Red Scare was a time in the history that America was paranoid that communism would take root in the U.S.
  • Warren Harding is the next president

    Warren Harding is the next president
    Harding defeats Cox for presidency
  • 19th Ammendment

    19th Ammendment
    Womens right to vote passed in teh Senate.
  • Senate defeats Versailles Treaty

    Senate defeats Versailles Treaty
    The Senate made a final decission to defeat the Versailles treaty partly because Henry Cabot Lodge fought against it.
  • Sacco-Vanzetti trial

    Sacco-Vanzetti trial
    These two men were italians and anarchists, and the jury and judge were taken away wtith the "red scare" at this time, so they were punished with execution to their crime, which was thought too harsh.
  • Emergency Quota Act of 1921

    Emergency Quota Act of 1921
    This act was partly passed due to the red scare. It caused that the immigrants would have to be limited to a small percentage per year.
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    A Teacher in Tennessee was tried for teaching evolution, and he lost and was fined 100 dollars.
  • The Great Gatsby

    The Great Gatsby
    Author Fizgerald wrote the book The Great Gatsby, which reflected the booming city culture of the 1920's.
  • Lindbergh flies the Atlantic solo

    Lindbergh flies the Atlantic solo
    Charles Lindbergh flew across the Atlantic Ocean solo, and was the first to do so. He was very famous for this.
  • The Jazz Singer

    The Jazz Singer
    The first talking motion picture came out, and it was called "The Jazz Singer".
  • Good Neighbor Policy in action

    Good Neighbor Policy in action
    FDR declares Good Neighbor policy toward Latin America
  • Securities and Exchange Commmission authorized

    Securities and Exchange Commmission authorized
    The Securities and Exchange Commission was created after the Depression. The mission of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is to protect investors, and to maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets
  • Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act

    Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act
    This was an Act passed by Congress in 1934 that authorized the president to establish tariff-reduction agreements with foreign countries.
  • U.S. Neutrality Act of 1935

    U.S. Neutrality Act of 1935
    This act was a general embargo on trading in arms and war materials with all parties in a war. It also declared that American citizens traveling on warring ships traveled at their own risk.
  • U.S. Neutrality Act of 1936

    U.S. Neutrality Act of 1936
    The Purpose of this Act was to renew The Neutrality Act of 1935, for another 14 months.
  • U.S. Neutrality Act of 1937

    U.S. Neutrality Act of 1937
    This Act renewed the previous Neutrality Acts but this time without a time limit.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    World powers met in Munich to decide what to do about Germanys recent aggressive actions.
  • U.S. Neutrality Act of 1939

    U.S. Neutrality Act of 1939
    This Act allowed for arms trade with belligerent nations on a cash and carry basis, thus in effect ending the arms embargo.
  • Lend-Lease Act

    Lend-Lease Act
    Under this Act America supplies the Allied nations with materials.
  • Pearl Harbor bombed

    Pearl Harbor bombed
    Japan bombed Pearl Harobr because they wanted to prove they couldnt be "bullied" by trade restrictions that the U.S, created.