Time line

  • First African slaves arrive in Virginia.

    First African slaves arrive in Virginia.
    1619 in the month of August the first Africans arrive in Jamestown, Virginia. The Africans where captured by a Portugal ship at there home witch was Angola in western Africa.They were encountered at sea by an English ship, Some of the slaves were stolen and brought to Jamestown where they were forced to work as slaves.
  • The invention on cotton gin.

    The invention on cotton gin.
    Cotton was not grown often because there were seeds that had to be taken out to make fabric.The process of taking seeds out was long.With the invention of cotton gin they were able to produce 50 pounds a day.Whitneys machine was copied and he went out of business.The cotton gin had a big impact on the south but, it creased the work for slaves. They had to plant and pick the cotton. [https://www.thoughtco.com/the-cotton-gin-in-american-history-104722]
  • Congress bans the importation of slaves from Africa.

    Congress bans the importation of slaves from Africa.
    On March 2,1807 congress approved a bill to ban the importations of slaves into the United States.The bill said that violators would be put in prison or fined up to $2,000.Africans continued to be brought into the country, just in smaller groups.73,000 slaves arrived in the U.S. between 1801 and 1808.Slavery was not legally aloud until the 13th amendment.
  • the Missouri compromise bans slavery north of the southern boundary of Missouri.

    the Missouri compromise bans slavery north of the southern boundary of Missouri.
    Missouri wanted to be admitted into the union as a slave state.This created heat debate in congress and through out the nation.The leaders of the free stated thought congress had the right to not allow slavery in Missouri.The leaders of the slave states didn't want the balance of power to be shifted in favor of free states because slavery might become illegal.This law aloud Missouri to be a slave state but banned slavery from the whole region.
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  • Nat Turner

    Nat Turner
    Nat Turner was a slave owned by Benjamin Turner.He got a little group of slaves together to plane what they were going to do for 4 months strait. On August 21,1831 him and his group moved from home to home killing every white person they meet.Nat Turner was caught 2 months later by a farmer. He was hanged and skinned.The state killed 55 African Americans helping Turner.This scared whites a lot but still slavery was aloud.
  • Harriet Tubman

    Harriet Tubman
    Harriet Tubman was born in the slaved state Maryland.She was treated very bad and knew she had to escape.When she finally escaped she went to a free state,Philidolphiea in Pennsylvania.But Harriet didn't care only about her freedom she wanted to help other people escape also.She worked at a Underground Railroad helping slaves escape.She freed over 300 slaves and fought for equal rights for African American women.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Uncle Toms Cabin
    ''Uncle Toms Cabin'' was first first appeared in a anti slavery newspaper witch deepened the slavery issue.It demanded the United States promise of freedom and equal rights witch is why it created such an uproar.The book brought up the issues of the political and economic arguments in favor or against slavery.Another reason the book was a big cause of war is because the book exposed slavery witch made the north and south mad.The slavery scandal was so big finally ending slavery.
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  • Fifteenth amendment to the constitution is ratified.

    Fifteenth amendment to the constitution is ratified.
    When the fifteenth amendment was passed African Americans were not only able to vote but they were being elected to high office in the south.There were 20 African Americans elected to the U.S. congress,2 become U.S. senators,and a African American who serves as a governor.
  • Reconstruction ends in the south

    Reconstruction ends in the south
    The KKK terreriost group was terrorizing African Americans and anyone who supported them.People begin to realize reconstruction is failing so it was time for a different idea or to just abandon it.
  • The black Exodus takes place.

    The black Exodus takes place.
    The name Exodusters was given to the African Americans who migrated from states along the Mississippi river to Kansas in the late nineteenth century.The Exodus of 1879 was the first general migration of black people following the civil war.
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    Plessy v Ferguson
    In 1890 a group of citizens protested a Jim Crow law requiring people of different color to ride in a separate train.The choose Plessy. Plessy sat in a whites only railroad car and was arrested for not following the law.Judge Ferguson ruled against Plessy and fined him $25.Plessy took his case to the state Supreme Court where he also lost.