5.6. aaheader


  • Sustainable Cropland and Forest Management in Priority Agro-ecosystems of Myanmar. The purpose of the project is to strengthen land and forest management

    Sustainable Cropland and Forest Management in Priority Agro-ecosystems of Myanmar. The purpose of the project is to strengthen land and forest management
    The project aims to facilitate and strengthen sustainable land management ,sustainable forest management and climate-smart agriculture.The project was implemented by FOOD and AGRICULTURE organisation and executed by Ministry of AGRICULTURE and IRRIGATION. The purpose is to build the capacity of farming and forestry stakeholders to mitigate climate change and improve land condition by facilitating the adoption of climate smart agriculture and sustainable forest management policies
  • Fruit and Vegetable Demonstration and Extension project (St. Lucia). The purpose of the project is to give awareness to the farmers

    Fruit and Vegetable Demonstration and Extension project (St. Lucia). The purpose of the project is to give awareness to the farmers
    The project was executed by Taiwan technical mission in St. Lucia and Extension Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Food production, fisheries and Rural development (St. Lucia). This project is to develop three demonstration in extension areas and provide certain extensions to few selected crops and transfer some associated skills to assist farmers to use organic fertilizers rather than using chemical fertilizers.
  • Togo project: The purpose of the project is that it focus on sustainable technologies for plant product.

    Togo project: The purpose of the project is that it focus on sustainable technologies for plant product.
    This project is executed by ETD Contractor. With the help of technical, administrative, financial and planning field they can develop the performance of agricultural research. The main target group of this project is the seed producers of maize and rice. It focuses on sustainability of the agricultural products and that makes it unique.
  • Community based agriculture and rural development: The purpose of the project is to improve the cultivation of high value crops and eradicate poverty.

    Community based agriculture and rural development: The purpose of the project is to improve the cultivation of high value crops and eradicate poverty.
    This project is executed by MinAgri.irrigation&Livestck. It also focuses on eradicating poverty and help the people in the region to set up an agribusiness. It focuses on improve the product quality through better sorting, grading and processing.Thus, this project help in setting their on agribusiness and contribute to infrastructure rehabilitation.The main outcome of this project is to prove the viability of high value agricultural based interventions in improving local economies.