Three Events in Sarah's Life

  • Infancy: Trust vs. Mistrust (Birth - Age 1)

    Infancy: Trust vs. Mistrust (Birth - Age 1)
    At birth, Sarah's trust grew with her parents. She had a stronger sensibility of security, affection and bond with her mother. As Sarah got older and stopped breastfeeding her trust with her father started to develop stronger. In Erikson's first stage, the crisis is between children who learn to rely on caregivers in infancy (trust) will be more likely to form trusting relationships with others throughout the course of their lives (mistrust).
  • Toddlerhood: Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt ( Age 1- 3)

    Toddlerhood: Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt ( Age 1- 3)
    When Sarah was three years old, her level of abilities and confidence developed. Sarah's father took her to a store where she saw this pretty dress that she likes. Sarah had complete trust in choosing what she liked from the store. At age three, Sarah began to dress herself no matter how mismatched the outfits were. In Erikson's second stage, it is a crisis when young children begin to express a greater need for independence (autonomy) and control over themselves and the world around them.
  • Preschool: Initiative vs. Guilt (Age 3- 6)

    Preschool: Initiative vs. Guilt (Age 3- 6)
    Sarah plays house with her friend, Jessica. Sarah makes up the rules and takes advantage, for she wants to lead and is older. Sarah yells at Jessica as a mother would, and this got her in trouble. After, she would have a feeling of guilt. In Erikson's third stage, it is a crisis when children develop a sense of control (initiative) through having opportunities to explore, initiate activities, and make choices. Children who are not able to do this may develop a sense of regret (guilt).