Thomas Kuhn and his studies into science have been passed down through his extensive understanding of " normal science" (July 17, 1922 - June 17, 1966)

  • Kuhn and list of accurate and key steps for scientific discovery.l

    1. Accuracy 2.Consistent 3.Broad Scope 4.Simple 5.Fruitful. Amazing and simple, yet indispensable in tact and reason.
  • Kuhn and his theory of paradigm shifts.

    Thomas Kuhn made a great discovery when he theorized that scientific deduction must follow a set of norms and consistent procedures for effectual building for newer scientific studies.
  • Kuhn and " normal science"

    Kuhn stated that there are inherently connecting variables in the investigation and applications of science and how this belief concides with paradigm and all research for philosophy and theories.
  • Kuhn and the Structure of Scientific Revolutions.

    Here Kuhn debates how old science and it's descriptive vices led to error and how a structure of weighing possibilities that are positive or negative are innate for true laws. Youtube: Thomas Kuhn the Structure of Scientific Revolutions summary