
Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996)

  • Epihany in science

    Kuhn experienced an Ephinay while studying physics when reading scientific work by Aristotle. Kuhn was confused on how such a brilliant man could be so wrong about basic physics. Khuns then theorized that it was not Aristotle's fault he was wrong but the world and facts he lived in where different from Kuhn's. https://study.com/learn/lesson/thomas-kuhn-biography-philosophy-impact.html.
  • The structure of Scientific Revolutions

    Kuhns then published his book "The structure of Scientific Revolutions". This controversial yet very influential book is when Kuhns proposed that science was in fact a paradigm and science is not a straight gradual path to the truth. Instead, he proposed that science as a paradigm shifts when current theories and models are unable to explain new phenomena discovered and a new theory is then proposed and possibly later adopted.
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    Kuhn's impact on Philosophy

    Kuhn's impact on the philosophy of science has changed how we view science and broadened our scope of science and how our actions impact it. By explaining how normal science is created by a paradigm shift in science in which normal science cannot explain phenomena's but are explained by new theories. Once those theories are proved to be irrefutable then those new paradigm ideas are made normal science. This normal science then becomes the launch pad for future science discoveries.
  • Professor at MIT

    In 1997 Kuhn became the professor of Philosophy at MIT which was the culmination of decades of teaching. This allowed him to mold thousands of future scientists. This would change how younger upcoming minds will view science not as a linear path but as a constantly expanding viewpoint that will change as new information is presented.