The Thirteen Colonies

  • Colonists settled on the Island of Roanoke

    First english settlement was established when a group of colonists settled on the Island of Roanoke.
  • Roanoke vanished

    Roanoke colony completely vanished and what happened to all its inhabitants is still unknown.
  • Atlantic Seaboard was divided in two

    Atlantic Seaboard was divided in two because King James I issued royal charter
  • Men were sent to Virginia

    London Company sent 144 men to Virginia on three ships.
  • Chesapeake Bay

    Three ships were able to reach Chesapeake Bay.
  • Founded Jamestown

    Jamestown was founded
  • Virginia's settlers learned how to grow tobacco

    Virginia’s settlers learned how to grow tobacco, it seemed the colony might survive.
  • Slaves arrived to Virginia

    First African slaves arrived to Virginia
  • Pilgrims arrived in Plymouth

    Pilgrims, a small group of Puritan separists arrived in Plymouth
  • House of Burgesses became a royal colony

    House of Burgesses became a royal colony because King revoked the Virginia company's charter
  • Another Massachussets established

    The Massachussets Bay Company sent a much larger group of Puritans to establish another Massachussets settlement.
  • 12 million acres of land given to Cecilius Calvert

    Crown granted 12 million acres of land at the top of the Chesapeake Bay to Cecilius Calvert, the second Lord Baltimore
  • Duke of York received new territory

    King Charles II gave territory between New England and Virginia to his brother, the Duke of York
  • Connecticut and New Haven combined

    Connecticut and New Haven combined
  • William Penn was granted new land

    King granted 45,000 SQ miles of land west of Delaware River to William Penn
  • Northern and Southern half split

    Northern and Southern Carolina colony half split
  • Georgia colony established

    The english man James Oglethorpe established the Georgia Colony