Thirteen Colonies

  • Jamestown is founded.

    Jamestown was founded by The London Company in 1607.
  • New York is founded

    Founded by The Dutch.
    Purpose was a Trading Depot.
    Twas a diverse population.
  • Pocahontas marries John Rolfe

    John Rolfe married Pocahontas , the daughter of the Powhatan leader.
  • Pocahontas dies

    Pocahontas died three years after marrying John Rolfe.
  • Mayflower Compact is signed

    The Mayflower Compact is a legal contract, in which they agrered to have fair laws to protect the general good.
  • Massachusettes (Plymoth)

    Founded by Pilgrims and Puritans.
    Purpose was so that people could have religous freedom.
  • Colonists kill a Powhatan leader

    Colonists killed a Powhatan leader.
  • New Hampshire is founded

    Founded by John Mason for relicious and economical freedom.
  • Virginia is founded

    Founded by the London Company in 1924.
    At first, it was a charteered colong but then it became a royal colony.
    The purpose of this colony was to expand their empire.
  • Massachusettes is founded (Bay)

    Founded by Pilgrims and Puritans.
    They purpose was to have religious freedom.
  • Maryland is founded

    Maryland was founded by Lord Baltimore in 1634.
    It became a royal colony.
  • Rhode Island is founded

    Founded by Anne Huchinson.
    The purpose was so that people could have religious freedom.
  • Connecticut is founded

    Founded by Thomas Hooker and John Winthrope.
    The purposes of this colony are to have religious and political freedom and to have more wealth.
  • Lord Baltimore presents the Toleration Act.

    This bill made it a crime to restrict the religious rights of christians.
  • Carolina is founded

    King Charles II gave a large amount of land between Virgina and FLorida to eight of his most trusted supporters.
  • New Jersey is founded

    Founded by John Berekly.
    Twas a Trading Depot.
  • Bacon's Rebellion Occurs

    Nathaniel Bacon and his followers attacked and burned Jamestown.
    This was known as the Bacon's Rebellion.
  • Pennsylvania is founded

    Founded by The Quakers.
    (William Penn)
    The Purpose was so people could obtain religious freedom.
  • Delaware is founded

    It was a gift to WIlliam Penn.
  • South Carolina is founded

    Carolina is seperated.
    Founded by King Charles II.
    It beame a royal colony.
    Purpose was to keep Spain from moving further North.
  • North Carolina is founded

    Carolina is seperated.
    North Carolina was founded by King Charles II.
    It became a royal colony.
    Purpose was to prevent Spain from moving further North.
  • Georgia is founded.

    Founded by John Ogelthrope.
    Purpose was to find refuge for doctors.
    Went from being a proprietary colony to a royal colony.
  • Olaudah Equiano purchases his freedom.

    He was working as a sailor, and earned enough money to prchase his freedom.
    After that, he devoted himself to ending slavery.
  • Olaudah Equiano dies.

    Olaudah Equiano died helping people.