third generation of computers

  • Computer models (3 generation)

    IBM marks the beginning of this generation, presenting IBM360 and manufacturing 30000 more machines.
    In that year the CDC 6600 computer was also introduced, which could execute about 3,000,000 instructions per second (mips).
    They begin to use magnetic storage media and computers could run more than one program simultaneously (multiprogramming).
    Digital Equipment Corporation DEC redirected its efforts towards small computers so as not to have to compete with IBM
  • NCR

    NCR introduc the 315/100.
  • Control Data Corporation

    introduce la CDC 6000, que emplea palabras de 60-bits y
    procesamiento de datos en paralelo. Luego vino la CDC 6600, una de las más poderosas
    computadoras vigente durante varios años. Fué diseñada por Seymour Cray.
  • BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Language)

    s a family of high level programming languages. The original BASIC, the Dartmouth BASIC, was designed in 1964 by John George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, United States, as a means to facilitate computer programming for students (and teachers) who were not sciences Of that, almost all the use of computers required coding software made to measure, which was restricted to people with training
  • BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Language)

    Honeywell adquiere Computer Control Company, un fabricante de minicomputadoras.
  • Scientific Data Systems

    Scientific Data Systems (SDS) introduce su modelo Sigma 7.
  • Texas Instruments

    Texas Instruments launches its first solid-state pocket calculator.
  • Burroughs

    Burroughs releases the B3200 model.
  • DEC

    DEC introduce the computer PDP-10
  • A.H. Bobeck

    A.H. Bell Laboratories Bobeck develops bubble memory.
  • Computerworld

    The first number of Computerworl in publises
  • Univac

    Univac present her computer model 9400
  • Integrated Electronics

    Integrated Electronics (Intel) Corp. is fundeted by Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce.
  • El compilador PASCAL

    The PASCAL compiler is written by Nicklaus Wirth and installed on CDC 6400.
  • data general despachada de la supernova

    the supernova includes the use of ROMs for the software of the library that could be executed much faster than the same code in the normal of the base memory, due to the need of the latter to be written immediately after being read. In addition, the system includes a new core set with a cycle time of 800 ns faster than the original version of 1200 ns.

    This operating system opened the door to the concept of multi-user, something normal today, but novel at that time. It is also the basis for security systems that allow us to use email, Facebook, etc.