Creacionismo y evolucionismo

theorys of evolution

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    Spontaneous generation

    Spontaneous generation
    It's a hypothesis which says that life could arise from nonliving matter. the first person that made this assertion was Aristotle and then and people believed that since XIX century when Louis Pasteur and Francesco Redi disproved it with their experiments.
  • Period: to

    theories of evolution

  • Redi's experiment

    Redi's experiment
    Redi put piece of meat in different jars, some of them covered with fine gauze, and the others were opened. After several days he observed that jars opened had maggots and flys, but the others didn't had that kind of animals.
  • the hypothesis of fixism

    the hypothesis of fixism
    It's a theory that says tha species never change, indee, it has keep equal since the Creation. The first hypothesis apeared in the middle of the XVIII century. The main scientist who defended that theory were Karl von Linneo, George Cuvier and Louis pasteur.
  • catastrofism

    Catastrophism is the theory that the Earth has been affected in the past by sudden, short-lived, violent events, possibly worldwide in scope.It was announce by George Cuvier, one of the main scientis that supported this theory, beteween the XVIII and XIX century. Another scientist that supported this theory was George Louis Leclerc, that tryed to give a materialist rendering of that theory.
  • Lamarck theory

    Lamarck theory
    This theory says that living being evolve with the use of the organs and this characters are inheritable.Lamarck sayd that:
    1.the function make the organ
    2.the acquired characters are inherited
    Lamarck was the first scientist who opposed to the inmutability of the species
  • Darwin-Wallace evolution

    Darwin-Wallace evolution
    Darwin went to Galapagos and there he observed that there was diferents tipes of finch. With this recordings, and anothers recordings, they made the theory of evolution. This theory says that living beings evolve from previous living beings. Darwin and Wallace didn't know that evolution is produce for the DNA mutations.
  • Pasteur's experiment

    Pasteur's experiment
    Louis Pasteur made an experiment where he boiled a beef broth in a matrass and curved the neck of the matrass like an s. He noted that microorganism didn't develop into the matrass.
    this experiment refuted the theory of the expontaneous generation
  • Panspermia

    It's a hypothesis that says the life exists throught the universe and came to the Earth as bacterial spores in meteoroids, asteroids,...
    In this date, the scientist Svante Arrhenius made the panspermia theory, and there are scientist that also believe this theory nowadays.
  • Neodarwinism

    This theory synthesise the Darwin theory and the Mendel genetics.
    It says that changes in the characters are produced by the mutations of the DNA.
    One of the main scientist that formulated this theory was T. Dobzhansky
  • neutralism

    This theory says that ist's the fate that make populations change in which a mutated gen can scatters without any benefit for the organism.
    This theory was proposed by the scientist Motoo Kimura
  • Punctuated equilibrium

    Punctuated equilibrium
    Pattern of evolution in which long stable periods are interrupted by brief periods of more rapid change.
    this theory was made for the Paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould.