

  • First Computer Invented

    First Computer Invented
    charles Babbage invented the first computer it was calledthe difference Engine it was used to solve mathmatical problems
  • First Transistor Comuter

    First Transistor Comuter
    The Univerity of Manchester first made an experimental transitor computer the first of its kind in the world
  • First Computer Mouse

    First Computer Mouse
    Douglas Englebart was the person who invented the first mouse in the 1970 he was assisted by Bill English
  • Internet invented

    Internet invented
    it was mde by Tim Berners-Lee
  • Launch of Wikepidea

  • Facebook Launch

  • Youtube Launched

    Youtube was launched in 2005 in California. It was made by three former Paypal employes
  • BBCi player

    It was made by BBC
  • Prediction self-driving cars

    Cars that drive themselves without a human driver or instructor.
  • prediction free wi-fi everywhere

    wi-fi will be free to everyone and will be everywhere