Theatre History Timeline

  • 534 BCE

    Ancient Greece Theatre

    Ancient Greece Theatre
    Ancient Greek Theatre flourished to honor the god Dionysus who lived in Athens. After Dionysus murder four festivals where in honor of Dionysus every year. Three dramatic genres occurred, comedy, tragedy, and satyr play. The Dionysian festival was extremely important to the Athenian wealth and power. The first theatrical event recored in the Athens was 534BC for a contest of the best tragedy. ( al.)
  • 364 BCE

    Ancient Roman Theatre

    Ancient Roman Theatre
    Greek theatrical traditions where then passed on to the Romans.The first permeant theatre in Rome was the Theatre of Pompey. Their theatre's included greek amphitheater's built on their own foundations that where enclosed on the sides.They hosted events such as orations, choral events, pantomimes, and plays. It could also involve animals being killed, fighting to the death, or dancing. Romans often dressed up in different costumes to represent different characters.
  • 1000

    Medieval Theatre

    Medieval Theatre
    Theatre began to die out after the Romans left Britain. However, during the 10th century it was reintroduced allowing them to perform religious performances in churches and mystery plays that were eventually outdoors. At around this time these plays were also to help those who couldn't read get a good understanding of christian stories and messages. The drama of the Medieval theatre was mainly represent religious history.
  • 1500

    Italian Theatre

    Italian Theatre
    Commedia dell’Arte (Italy). Italian theatre flourished through the 16th and 18th century. Commedia dell’Arte was a form of popular theatre that resembled ensemble acting. Many of the props and plays were basic and the performances where shown to the public. Their plays contained similar characters that had different characteristics. This technique was passed on to French and English theatre's.
  • 1558

    Elizabethan Theatre

    Elizabethan Theatre
    During 1558-1603 CE, Elizabethan theatre was the first to see professional actors who performed entertaining non-religious themes. The first permeant theatre was built in London which caused others to follow and allow theatre of entertainment to grow. This became a huge hit and allowed the industry to become popular The most popular playwright was William Shakespeare.(1564-1616) He discovered many different diverse themes to give to give to the audiences.
  • Kabuki Theatre

    Kabuki Theatre
    Japanese theatre was best known for their unique costumes, makeup, and music. Originally women performed all roles but they were banned in 1629 allowing males to continue the tradition today. Performances where normally about historical events and morality. Furthermore into their uniqueness, their stage included traps doors and revolving stages from where the actors can appear and disappear.
  • Restoration Theatre

    Restoration Theatre
    After the Civil war ended theatrical performances were banned. But, they were soon reopened in 1660 allowing comedic and drama themes to be popular. Audiences included everyone such as kings, middle class, and even servants. Soon after, King Charles declared females were able to perform again. When King Charles brought theatre back it showed that people were going to be allowed more freedom.
  • American Vaudeville Theatre

    American Vaudeville Theatre
    In the late 19th to 20th century a variety of different entertainment became popular. These acts were normally inexpensive that included dancing, singing, acrobatics, comedy, and animal acts. The American Vaudeville was essential to communities because is was the most popular form of entertainment in America.
  • Victorian Theatre

    Victorian Theatre
    The industrial revolution had a huge impact on theatrical performances. The technological advancements allowed there to be a form of electrical lighting and machinery. Queen Victoria ruled the Victorian theatre era from 1837-1901. Around this time many theatre's schools were built which openly played dramas regarding to social problems. Melodramas and light dramas were popular along with social plays.
  • Modern Theatre

    Modern Theatre
    Today, modern theatre has become much more popular throughout the years. It ranges from big budget theatre's from New York broadway to local productions and amateur dramatics. Drama is used to entertain, inform, enlighten, and amuse. Modern drama is also mainly focused on the broad perceptions including realism, critically, opera..etc