Battle of xiangyang  the decisive battle to chinese yuan dynastyd876900e71835f50ae0b

The Yüan Dynasty (By Nahum G and Austin B)

  • Apr 5, 1213

    Sidenote. Please Read First!!!!

    Sidenote.  Please Read First!!!!
    Ignore all of the dates, except for the year. THANKS!!!!!!!!
  • Apr 5, 1215

    Burning the City

    Burning the City
    Genghis Khan and the Mongols burned Peking (Beijing) and left it burning for a month.
  • Period: Apr 5, 1215 to Apr 5, 1368

    Mongol and Yuan Dynasty

    The Yuan dynasty ruled from 1215 to 1280, 65 years.
  • Apr 5, 1227

    Death of Genghis Khan

    Death of Genghis Khan
    Genghis Khan Died. There is no exact reason why he died but some believe he fell off his horse in a horseback pursuit, Or from pneumonia.
  • Apr 5, 1234

    Bye Bye, Jin!

    Bye Bye, Jin!
    The Mongols destroyed the Jin Dynasty. The Mongols then took over all of China.
  • Apr 5, 1253

    Tibet becomes part of China

    Tibet becomes part of China
    People in Tibet had been fighting each other for a long time and the Mongol emperor, Ziangzong sent troops to Tibet to stop the fighting. Tibet became a part of China.
  • Apr 5, 1258

    Taoism or Buddhism???

    Taoism or Buddhism???
    A debate was held to decide which was better: Taoism or Buddhism. Eventually, the Taoists admitted defeat saying that Buddhism was better. Taoists then became Buddhists.
  • Apr 5, 1260

    Passing the throne

    Passing the throne
    The grandson of Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan ascended the throne of the Mongol Dynasty.
  • Apr 5, 1264

    Yuan Dynasty is created!

    Yuan Dynasty is created!
    Kublai Khan created the Yuan Dynasty, he changed the name of the Mongol Dynasty to the Yuan.
  • Apr 5, 1271

    Adopting A Chinese Name

    Adopting A Chinese Name
    Kublai Khan adopted a Chinese name instead of his traditional Mongol name
  • Apr 5, 1276

    Taking Over

    Taking Over
    Kublai Khan led his army capturing the Southern Song Dynasty, thus unifying the entire China... :-D
  • Apr 7, 1368

    Yuan Dynasty Go Bye Bye

    Yuan Dynasty Go Bye Bye
    The became hated by the people of China because of their high taxes and other reasons. Eventually, an opposing army took over their capital and the dynasty was overthrown. The Ming dynasty began.