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The History of the Royal Canadian Navy.

  • How it started.

    How it started.
    Discussions arose as to the role of the Dominions in defence and foreign relations. As Canada was still part of the British Empire they were given the options between providing funds, support and manpower to the Royal Navy or form its own which could support the Royal Navy if necessary. Canadian politicians decided to form its own navy. George Foster introduced a resolution in the House of Commons calling for the establishment of a Canadian Naval Service but was unsuccessful.
  • The Naval Service of Canada.

    The Naval Service of Canada.
    The naval force was created as the Naval Service of Canada. King George V renamed it a year later. Rear-Admiral Charles Kingsmill was named the first director of the Naval Service of Canada in 1910.
  • The Naval Service Act

    The Naval Service Act
    The government of Sir Wilfred Laurier took George Foster's resolution and introduced it as the Naval Service Bill. It became the Naval Service Act which created the Department of the Naval Service.
  • The Royal Canadian Navy.

    The Royal Canadian Navy.
    The service was renamed The Royal Canadian Navy by King George V.
  • World War I

    World War I
    Two government vessels, CGS Canada (renamed HMCS Canada) and CGS Margaret joined Niobe, Rainbow and the two submarines CC-1 and CC-2, forming a six vessel naval force and were immediately put into service.
  • World War II

    World War II
    The RCN had to increase its vessels considerably with the start of the Second WW. They transferred or purchased larger vessels from the US and Britain. Canada constructed smaller vessels like corvettes and frigates.
  • The Establishment of the WRCNS.

    The Establishment of the WRCNS.
    It was based on the British Women's Royal Naval Service. The Navy was the last to form a women's division. The need arose as the men were involved in the battles and their vacant positions needed to be filled. HMCS Conestoga in Galt, Ontario, was their training center.
  • Disbanded

    The WRCNS was disbanded in July 1946 but revived at the beginning of the Korean War. It was disbanded again in 1968 when the Royal Canadian Navy as a whole folded into the unified Canadian Forces.