The World Economy- Political

  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to


    As countries throughtout the Age of Expansion created and severed contacts and expanded their reach, continuity was a major theme. While change was prevelant in the beginning as the new systems were set up, such as the Atlantic slave trade, most of the time period was built on itself, such as territories continuing to expand in the New World, such as New Spain.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1405 to Jan 1, 1423

    Zhenghe Expeditions

    Admiral Zhenghe led seven expeditions overseas. The expeditions went as far as east east Africa, southern Arabia, and Persia. This was change, as China begun outreach before stopping the expeditions.
  • Jan 1, 1460

    Slaves are traded with African rulers

    To acquire slaves, raids were conducted into Africa. Europeans soon found, however, that trading for slaves with African rulers was far easier than raiding. This is change, as slaves are now acquired by trade rather than raiding.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Fall of Last Muslim Kingdom and Voyage of Christopher Columbus

    Granada fell, allowing Christianity to become more widespread. Isabella and Ferdinand could now afford to sponser Christopher Columbus's voyage to the East Indies with the war over and a single prevailing religion. This is continuity as the Muslim kingdoms were already falling.
  • Jan 1, 1510

    Spain starts to send slaves to work on sugar platations.

    Portugal had already established trading posts along the African coast. The large sugar plantations needed more people to work them, for less money. Therefore, the slave trade was continuity as Spain already was in Africa and the sugar pl,atations were growing.
  • Jan 1, 1530

    Cathedral and University built on Hispaniola

    Spain sent priests, magistrates, and other religious and political figures to the New World. A body of laws developed and the church played a part in enterprise. A cathedral and a university were built on Hispanola, showing continuity as the community continued to grow to accomodate such features.
  • Jan 1, 1535

    'New Spain' pushes south and north

    Central Mexico came to be known as New Spain, as most of the area was controlled by Spain. The Spanish took the next step of expanding north and south. This is continuity as Spain had been conquering the area before.
  • Ieyasu bans Christianity

    Ieyasu first persecuted Christians, before banning the religion and forcing missionaries to leave. Converts were forced to convert back. This is continuity as Ieyasu's predesessor, Hideyoshi, also persecuted Christians.
  • China's population doubles

    In the 1400s, the population of China was at 80-90 million. In 1600 it was 120 million, in 1800 the population was 300 million. This is continuity as the population rose over time.
  • Great Trek

    The Boers went on the Great Trek to the north. They settled in the Natal on the east coast. This is was change as the Boers moved.
  • Britain abolished slavery

    At the same time America imported slaves, Britain did too. Britain abolished slavery before America. This was change.