The war in Europe

  • Hitler announces Germany has an airforce

    Hitler announced that Germany had an air force and was reintroducing conscription.
  • Italy joined Britain and France in protesting against Germany

    They protested in defiance of the Treaty of Versailles
  • Italy Military attack

    The Italian Military attacks Abyssinia
  • League voter for economic sanctions

  • Hitler marched 20 000 troops

    Britian and France failed to act when Hitler marched 20 000 troops into the demilitarised Rhineland
  • Italian forces captured the capital

  • Hitler makes and Announcement

    At the Hossbach Conference, Hitler told his generals to prepare for a majot war in the mid 1940s
  • Germany army invades Austria

    The Germany invaded Austra and received a warm welcome.
  • HItler encouraged Sudeten Germans to cause unrest.

  • Hitler makes false claims

    Hitler used false claims that Germans wer-e being persecuted in Czecholovakia to destroy that country in 1938-1939
  • Hitler Invades

    In breach of the Munich Agreement, Hitler invaded and dismembered what remained of Czecholovakia
  • Poland invasion begins

    The German invasion of Poland began
  • Britian declares war

    Britian responded by declaring war on Germany