Vietnam war

The Vietnam War

  • Start of Vietnam War

    Start of Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War starts officially due to Eisenhower not wanting communism to spread and eventually reach America. (
  • National Liberation Front

    National Liberation Front
    The NLF was formed by South Vietnam in order to organize resistnace to the Korean regime
  • Viet Cong Threat

    Viet Cong Threat
    After an attack on the South Vietnamese 32nd regime headquarters, a team was sent by Kennedy to report on the conditions there, in result. an American military build-up was suggessted.
  • Assassination of the Ngo Brothers

    Assassination of the Ngo Brothers
    Diam and Ngo Ding Nhu were arrested after a violent government protest and then killed in the back of an armoured personnel carrier where they were on their way to the military headquarters.
  • Assassination of Kennedy

    Assassination of Kennedy
    President John F. Kennedy was shot by Lee Harvery Oswald while traveling in a presidential motorcade
  • U.S enters Vietnam

    U.S enters Vietnam
    Lyndon B. Johnson sends 100,00 troops into Vietnam
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The Tet Offensive was launced by 70,000 DRV forces in otder to coordinate a series off violent attacks in South Vietnam on more than 100 cities and towns. (
  • Massacre of My Lai

    Massacre of My Lai
    U.S. soldiers slaughtered at least 400 unarmed civilians in the village of My Lai. This wasn't found out until later on and a dissapointment in the U.S. was a result.
  • Paris Peace Accords

    Paris Peace Accords
    The United States and North Vietnam entered peace talks in Paris where Lyndon Johnson stopped all bombing runs over North Vietnam's territory. (
  • Protest making history

    Protest making history
    The biggest anti-war protest broke out in Washtingon D.C. to bring the American troops back. This ended being the largest protest in American history. (
  • End to Draft Calls

    End to Draft Calls
    Richard Nixon ends all draft calls and an all-volunteer army was instituted.
  • Final Peace Agreement

    Final Peace Agreement
    A final peace agreement was set forth between North Korea and the United States
  • Vietnam Veterans Memorial

    Vietnam Veterans Memorial
    The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was unveiled in Washtington, D.C. to honor the fallen of the Vietnam War.