• Federal Prison System Established

    Federal Prison System Established
    Congress passes the "Three Prisons Act," which established the Federal Prison System (FPS). The first three prisons were operated with limited oversight by the Department of Justice.
  • First BOP Maximum Security Prison

    First BOP Maximum Security Prison
    The first maximum security prison, USP Alcatraz, opens housing the most violent, disruptive, and escape-prone inmates in the Federal system.
  • Robert F. Kennedy Youth Center

    Robert F. Kennedy Youth Center
    The center implemented new concepts in unit management and treatment programs and was noted at the time for its innovative architecture.
  • National Institute of Corrections Established

    National Institute of Corrections Established
    It provided technical assistance to State and local corrections agencies, law enforcement, parole/probation and judicial staff; conduct research on corrections issues; maintain a corrections' information center; and develop national correctional goals and standards.
  • The First Step Act

    The First Step Act
    On December 21, 2018, President Trump signed the First Step Act. This significant bi-partisan legislation promoting criminal justice reform will transform the operations and processes of federal corrections and reentry for many years to come.