The Trancontinential Railroad

  • Question: How did the Transcontinential Railroad help shape America?

  • Conjecture: I think the Transcontinential Railroad helped builed America by transporting and trading goods and making money for our government

  • James Watt created a steam engine

  • George Stephonson made a locomotive (train) for a railroad track.

  • Settlers move Westward to the Northern Great Plains or the Oregon Trail.

  • Asa Whitney wants a Railway that goes across the contry, but Congress turns down her idea.

  • James K. Polk (the new president) decides there should be a Railroad, but doesn't have enough money to support the idea.

  • The Gold Rush begins!

  • After many not finding gold, the settlers move to different parts of California and Nevada to try to make a more normal lifestyle.

  • The chinese need jobs so they go and work for the railroad that has officially been started. Governor Leland Stanford also digs the first mark or the railroad

  • The Civil War ends and many soldiers need jobs so they go work for the railroad.

  • The railroad began in Sacrementl, California and is now at Omaha, Newbraska.

  • Done

    the railroad is finally finished and is used for daily things like shipping!