the time line

  • french and indian war 1754-1763

    french and indian war 1754-1763
    british soldiers fought against french soldiers and native americans native americans. native americans joined in the battle against the british because the britsh would take over there land.
  • sugar act 1764

    sugar act 1764
    on april 5, 1764, parliament passed a modified version of the sugar and molasses act 1733 which was about to the sugar act also listed more foreign goods to to be taxed including sugar, certain wines, coffee, pimiento, cambric and printed calico.
  • quartering act. 1770

    quartering act. 1770
    the quartering act is an act to amend and render more effectual in the majesty's dominions in america,an act passed in this present sesion of parliament intituled an act for punising mutiny so they would have the army and their quarters.
  • boston massacwre 1770

    boston massacwre 1770
    the boston massacwre was a street fight that occurred on march 5, 1770, between a patriot mob, throwing snowballs stones and sticks and a squad of british soldiers.
  • tea act 1773

    tea act 1773
    the tea act passedby parliament on may 10, 1773 would launch the spark to the revolutionary monement in boston
  • intolerable acts. 1774

    intolerable acts. 1774
    the goverment spent immense sums o money on troops and equipment in attempt to subjugate massachusetts.
  • tready of paris 1763

    tready of paris 1763
    treaty that officially ended the french and indian war. the british gained control over the area west of 13 british colonies to the mississippi river.
  • proclamation of 1763

    proclamation of 1763
    the end of the french and indian war in 1763 was a cause for great celebration in the colonies for it removed several ominous barriers and opened up a host of new opporunities for the colonists.
  • stamp act 1765

    stamp act 1765
    on february 6th, 1765 george grenville rose in parliament to offer the fifty-five resolutions of his stamp bill.
  • writs of assistance 1767

    writs of assistance 1767
    writs of assistance were court orders that authorized customs oficers to conduct general searches of premises.
  • townshend act 1767

    townshend act 1767
    the townshend act is the result was the resurrestion of colonial hostilities created by the stamp act. reaction assumed revolutions proportions in boston, in the summer of 1768, when customs officials that was th townshend act.
  • boston tea party 1773

    boston tea party 1773
    on november 1773 a handbill was posted all over boston containg the following words "friends brethren countrymen that worst plagues the detested tea shipped for this port by the east india company is now arrived in the harbor. that was on of his saying
  • give me liberty speech (1775)

  • battles of lexington and concord aprilla, 1775

    The Battles of Lexington and Concord were the first military engagements of amecan revolutionary.
  • bunker hill 1775

  • common sense published 1776

  • declaration of indepenence july,4 1776