The Story of US

  • Jan 1, 1340

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Plague was a sickness that sprend thourthout Europe. Killed 1/3 of the European population. Made a nursery rhyme called " Ring Around the Rosey" Importance: people believed that it was God's punishment oppon them.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus Voyage

    Columbus Voyage
    Christopher believed you could sail west to get to the east. The King and Queen of Spain gave him money and the supplies. He was given the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa maria. Importance: They would have never found more land that would lead them to the US.
  • Jan 1, 1509

    King Henry VIII's 1 marriage

    King Henry VIII's 1 marriage
    King Henry VIII was married to Catherine of Aragon, this was an arranged marriage. Henry needed a boy to pass the throne to, Catherine would have multiple miscarriage before she has her daughter Mary. Henry was mad so he tried to divore her but couldn't. Importance: After Henry remarried many time he got a son. This would lead to who becomes king and queen and people coming to america.
  • Jan 1, 1513

    Ponce de Leon explores Florida

    Ponce de Leon explores Florida
    Juan Ponce de Leon was the first European to explore US land. He explores South and central Florida. Importance: If he would have not have found more land
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Posting of 95 theses

    Posting of 95 theses
    The posting of the 95 theses was when Martin Luther who was a monk began questioning the teachings of the church. He put everything that he didn't like about the church and posted them. Impoetance: This will lead to King Herny who will split from the church of England. People will then come to America for a better life.
  • Jan 1, 1518

    Cortes defeat of Aztecs

    Cortes defeat of Aztecs
    Herran Cortez was a conqietdior that went to Mexico to find gold. The Aztecs in his way to find gold. Cotez destroyed the Aztec empire. he brought disease to the Aztec and destroryed the entire empire. Importance: This will lead to him going up more into the US.
  • Jan 1, 1536

    Anne Boleyn beheaded

    Anne Boleyn beheaded
    After England removed form the church, Henry got married to Anne Boleyn. At the time he still needed a boy but she had a girl and named her Elizabeth. He was so angry that he had her beheaded. Importance: This will lead to Henry getting married again and the start of the 13 British colonies.
  • Jan 1, 1537

    King Henry gets a son

    Henry married Jane Seymour, Jane became preganent and had a boy named Edward. Sadly Jane died during child birth. Importance: Edward will die young and next in line is Mary and she will make England an bad place to live.
  • Jan 1, 1540

    Coronado explores Grand Canyon

    Coronado explores Grand Canyon
    Coronado was a Spain explorer, he explored the Southwestern part of the US, he was also looking for gold. He was believed to be the first European to see the Grand Canyon. Importance: They are findding more land to livve on soon.
  • Apr 1, 1565

    St Augustine

    St Augustine
    In the year of 1565 St. Augustine was establised. This was the first permanent European settlements in the U.S. Importance: More European countries will come over and take new land.
  • Plymouth

    A group of Separatists, people that are totally separate from the Anglican church. Before sailing to the US in 1620 they went to Holland in 1608. They we supposed to land in Virginia, but landed in Massachusetts. Importance: They created the first Thanksgiving with the Native Americans.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    This was a series of hearings and hangings. People were killed because they were " Witches." Importance: This will lead to the People Revolte.
  • French and Indian War Gen. Braddock killed

    French and Indian War Gen. Braddock killed
    Gen. Braddock was killed on July 9, 1755 he was shot by the British and this causesed the Americans to get angry. Importance: This event will lead to the Revolution later in years.
  • William Pitt as new Prime Minister

    William Pitt as new Prime Minister
    William Pitt was the son of William Pitt the first. He became Prime Minister because the last Prime Minister got old and died. Importance: He will make relisse discines for England.
  • Treaty of Paris, 1763

    Treaty of Paris, 1763
    This was what ended the French and Indian war. This was to show that the war was stopped. Importance: This will separate the British and the colonies a little bit.
  • Proclamation Act

    Proclamation Act
    This was a " law" saying that the people from England can make and pass any law and the colonits could not do anything about it. Importance: This will lead to the Sons of Liberty
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    This act was passed on April 5, 1764. This was a tax on things like sugar and molasses. The people of the US didn't like this act at all. Importance: This is just one of the acts that pushed the people to want independence
  • Creation of Sons of Liberty

    Creation of Sons of Liberty
    The Sons of Liberty where a qroup of rebellions. They formed because tax on paper. They were the people who caused the boston Tea Party. Importance: If this never happened then the Boston Tea Party wouldn't have happened and the delation would have neer happened.
  • Quatering Act

    Quatering Act
    The Quartering Act was pasted on May 3, 1765. This was not inforced strongly. Later on this became very inforced. This was when soldiers from England would come into your house. You would have to give them a place to live and give them food. Importance: People would get angery and this would make people want to separate from England.
  • 2nd Continental Congress

    2nd Continental Congress
    The Second Continental Congress was a group of men that would later write the Declartion od Independence. They met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Importance: Later the American Revolution would began and soon we will have independence.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    This was one of the coldiest winters. George Washinton and his troops set up camp at a place called Valley Forge. His men didn't have blankets and things like that to keep them warm. His men would get sick and they would die. importance: This is when Washington would find out who was on his side and who was not. This would lead to the 2nd Congress.
  • Treaty of Paris 2

    Treaty of Paris 2
    The Treaty of Paris took place in 1783. This was a dockument that had to be signed by the British to show that the war had stooped. Importance: This is when the U.S got it's independence.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    This was a war that took place from June, 1812- January, 1815. This was a war between the US and British. The British tried to restrict trade from the US. The early battles were the US has 7,000 less troops then the British. William Hull led the US to Canada. Importance: If this didn't happen the battle of New Orleans wouldn't have happened.
  • Indian Removal Act of 1830

    Indian Removal Act of 1830
    An Act that was passed by Congress on May 28, 1830, during the presidency of Andrew Jackson. This law satated that the president could force the Native Americans to travel west past the Mississippi. Importance: This event will lead to the Trail of Tears in 1838. Then this will lead to the Oregon Trail and then the Gold Rush.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    This was a part of Andrew's Indian removal act. Indians were moved to thw west which is now known as Oklahoma. 1/3 of Cherokee people were killed. People cried and that is why it is called the Trail of Tears. Importance: This is believed to be the most tragic occurese in the American history.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The Gold Rush was a population explosion. In 1839 jhon a swiss came to California he buildlt a place for people to live and hired James Marshin. In January 1848 on the 24 he found some gold. The work got out and people came everywhere. They arrive in thounds. Importance: With all the people it made California able to become a state.
  • Donner Party

    Donner Party
    The Donner Party was a group of people that were traveling the Oregon Trail so they can get to California. They were a famous group in history because they took a short cut and got straded. They were stuck for five months. They started to eat people that were in their group. Importance: People were trying to get to California for gold that they would travel all this way and if they ran out of food they would turn into cannibals.
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Fugitive Slave Law
    The Fugitive Slave Law was a law that was passed by the South. The law said that any excaped slaves were to be returned to the South. Importance: This showed people that the South was taking people that were never even slaves before to the South and making them slaves.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850 started on January 29, 1850. This was a Compomise between the North and the South. This was to show that the North and the South were trying to get along Importance: The North and the South were working togther to make the United States one again.
  • John Browns Raid

    John Browns Raid
    John Brown"s Raid took place on October 16, 1859. John Brown was a Northerner and he belived that all of the slaves should be set free all at once. So he went to the South to set free the slaves. He forgot to tell the slaves the plan and he was captured. Importance: This was a step in the right direction for the North it let people in the North know what was happening.
  • Sherman March to the Sea

    Sherman March to the Sea
    The March to the Sea took place in 1864 when William Sherman took over Atlanta, GA this was the major import spot for Gerogia. They began a march from Atlanta, GA to Savannah, GA. When doing this march they would burn everything in a 20- 40 mile wide space for nearly 200 miles. Importance: This will lead to the leader of the South to giv up and say baseically you win the war.
  • Assassination of Lincoln

    Assassination of Lincoln
    Lincoln's Assassination took place on April 14, 1865 in Ford's Theatre. The man that killed him was Jhon Wilkes Booth. He killed Lincoln with a 44- caliber through a hole in a door. Lincoln was hunched over in his chair. He died the day after he was shot. Importance: This man was from Maryland and that was apart of the North. Also the country was in the prosece of rebuilding themselves.