The Story of US

  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred and his owner traveled to a free state and Dred's owner died, he thought he was a free man until his owners family came to obtain their inheritance (including Dred). Dred sued for his freedm, but unfortunately lost the case and went as an object or possession rther than a person.
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    The Fugitive Slave Law stated that all citizens were required to help return runaway slaves.
    Judges recieved $10 to return slaves, but only $5 to set them free.
    Aiding a fugitive would result in a $1,000 fine or 6 months jail
  • Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850 was an argument that was based upon wether there should be slavery or not.
  • John Brown Raid

    John Brown and his 9 sons planned to start a slave rebellion and raid the Harpers Ferry. The sons forgot to tell the slaves details, in result, Johns sons died, and John got captured and kept as a slave.
  • Assassination of Lincoln

    Lincoln decided to take his wif eto see a movie in the theartre, and he got shot in the head, Lincoln died.