R8tl1qutxb 1399177636695

The Space Race

  • Sputnik 1-USSR

    Sputnik 1-USSR
    The Sputnik 1 was the first artificial earth satellite
  • Sputnik 2-USSR

    Sputnik 2-USSR
    Sputnik 2 was the second spacecraft launched into Earth's orbit. This mission also included the first dog that travelled to space, Laika
  • Explorer 1-USA

    Explorer 1-USA
    Explorer 1 was the first United States satellite to enter Earth's orbit.
  • Vanguard 1-USA

    Vanguard 1-USA
    The Vanguard 1 was the second US satellite to reach orbit. It functioned for 3 years. It was also solar powered.
  • Sputnik 3-USSR

    Sputnik 3-USSR
    The third Russian Satellite, Sputnik 3 was launched into orbit.
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)-USA

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)-USA
    NASA is formed as a branch of the US government, the sole purpose is to research space. This replaces NACA
  • Pioneer 1-USA

    Pioneer 1-USA
    Pioneer 1 was the first spacecraft launched by the newly formed NASA.
  • Luna 1-USSR

    Luna 1-USSR
    Luna 1 was launched by Russia. It was the first man-made object to orbit the sun.
  • Pioneer 4-USA

    Pioneer 4-USA
    The Pioneer 4 was launched by NASA, it passes within 37,000 miles of the moon.
  • Luna 2-USSR

    Luna 2-USSR
    Luna 2 was launched by Russia. It became the first man-made object to impact the moon's surface.
  • Luna 3-USSR

    Luna 3-USSR
    Luna 3 was launched by the Russians. It orbited the moon and photographed 70% of the surface.
  • Tiros 1-USA

    Tiros 1-USA
    Tiros 1 was the first weather satellite launched by the United States.
  • Discoverer XIV-USA

    Discoverer XIV-USA
    The Discoverer XIV was the first camera equipped spy satellite launched by the United States.
  • Yuri Gagarin-USSR

    Yuri Gagarin-USSR
    Yuri Gagarin, from Russia, becomes the first man in space. He orbited earth.
  • Alan B. Shepard-USA

    Alan B. Shepard-USA
    Alan B. Shepard became the first man in space aboard the Mercury spacecraft
  • L. Gordon Cooper-USA

    L. Gordon Cooper-USA
    L. Gordon Cooper was the last American to fly in space alone.
  • Ranger 7-USA

    Ranger 7-USA
    Ranger 7 was the first American probe to transmit close up pictures of the moons surface.
  • Alexei Leonov-USSR

    Alexei Leonov-USSR
    The Russian cosmonaut, Alexei Leonov, performed the first spacewalk, where he spent 12 minutes outside his spacecraft.
  • Ed White-USA

    Ed White-USA
    Ed White performs the first American spacewalk. He was in the Gemini capsule.
  • Mariner 4-USA

    Mariner 4-USA
    Mariner 4 sent NASA close up pictures of Mars
  • Venera 3-USSR

    Venera 3-USSR
    Venus 3 is launched. It is the first man-mad object to impact the surface of Venus
  • Luna 9-USSR

    Luna 9-USSR
    Luna 9 is the first spacecraft to land softly on the moon's surface.
  • Luna 10-USSR

    Luna 10-USSR
    Luna 10 becomes the first satellite to orbit the moon. This is a Russian satellite
  • Surveyor 1-USA

    Surveyor 1-USA
    Surveyor 1 becomes the first American craft to land softly on the moon's surface.
  • Lunar Orbiter 1-USA

    Lunar Orbiter 1-USA
    Lunar Orbiter 1 took the first picture of Earth from the Moon.
  • Apollo 8-USA

    Apollo 8-USA
    This flight contained the first humans to leave low earth orbit.
  • First Steps-USA

    First Steps-USA
    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin become the first humans to walk on the moon.
  • Venera 7-USSR

    Venera 7-USSR
    First soft landing on the planet of Venus
  • Apollo 15-Lunar Rover-USA

    Apollo 15-Lunar Rover-USA
    During the Apollo 15 mission to the moon, the crew drove the first vehicle on the moon.
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    Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP)-USA/USSR

    The ASTP was a joint operation between the United States and Russia. In this flight, the Apollo Command and Service Module with the Soviet Soyuz 19.