The South and Slavery -Chapter 14

  • Second Great Awakening-1790s

    Second Great Awakening-1790s
    -Birth of evangelism; Christians were encouraged to convert others to the Christian faith
    -Led to African Mehtodist Episcopla church (AME)
    -Missionaries moved west to convert Indians
    -Beginning of reform movements: temperance, abolition, women's rights
  • Period: to

    South and Slavery

  • Cotton gin invented

    Cotton gin invented
    -Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin with a southern widow when she complained about the time it took to clean cotton.
    -Cotton production immediately increased
    --Led to increase in slavery
    -Led to southern western movement
  • Prosser Conspiracy

    -Richmond, Virginia
    -Prosser-blacksmith, organized a thousand slaves
    -Plot was discovered; 36 were hanged
    -He had hoped for support from independent blacks in Haiti
    -Led to increasing fear throughout the South
  • End of international slave trade

    End of international slave trade
    -Part of a compromise to pass the Constitution in 1788
    -Slavery was expected to disappear naturally
    -South would not support the constitutution without the compromise
    -Though international slave trade ended in 1808, smuggling continues.
    -Slavery expanded due to natural increase
  • Expansion of Cotton

    Expansion of Cotton
    1811-60 million pounds of cottona year were being produced. Most went to England's textile industry
    -Cotton quickly depleted the soil
    -Encouraged western migration
    -Expansion was caused by a desire for land and profit
    -Indians were too civilized to be slaves, but were the wrong color; they had to be removed
    -Indian Removal Act of 1830
  • Erie Canal construction begins

    -Governor Clinton of New York believed construction of the canal would open trade betweenNew York, the Great Lakes area, and Europe
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    -Territories within the Louisiana territory began to apply for statehood.
    -Missouri wanted to join as a slave state
    -Would have upset the balance of power in the Senate
    - Compromise: Missour-slave; Maine-free; 36-30 divided future states into slave or free territories
    -Inadvertantly created sectionalism, North and South identity
  • Antebellum powerpoint
  • Denmark Vesey Conspiracy

    -Charleston, south Carolina
    -Free, worked as a seaman and carpenter
    -Could read and write
    -AME preacher: used Bible to argue against slavery
    -80 slaves, including house servants
    -35 hanged
    -Not all were caught; whites lived with the knowledge these people were among them and might try again
  • Erie Canal opens

    Erie Canal opens
    -Trade and expansion throughout the Great Lakes and the Old Northwest increased rapidly.
  • Steam-powered printing press

    Steam-powered printing press
    -The printing press allowed for rapid mass production of newspapers, magazines and pamphlets
    -thousands of abolitionsist pamphlets were published and found their way to the South
  • Exposition and Protest

    Exposition and Protest
    -Written anonymously by Jackson's vice president, John C. Calhoun
    -Defended a state's right to nullify federal law if the law was harmful to a state
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    -the tariff was supported by Jackson who was running for president, in exchange for industrial support during the election
    -the tariff increased the price of goods coming in from England, forcing southerners to buy more expensive American made goods.
    -Southerners claimed the tariff was unconstitutional because it faovered new England overthe rest of the country
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    -Removal was the result of western expansion: a desire for land and profit, especially as cotton depleted the soil
  • Nat Turner Rebellion

    Nat Turner Rebellion
    -Most successful slave rebellion in U.S. history
    -Like Vesey, a preacher
    -55 whites killed
    -45 executed
    -Led to increased restrictions (black codes)
  • William Lloyd Garrison publishes Liberator

    William Lloyd Garrison publishes Liberator
    -Garrison created the Liberator to promote abolition
    -Militant and inflamatory
    -Outraged southerners
    -Southerners believed abolitionists encouraged slave rebellions
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    -South Carolina threatened to secede because of the Tariff
    -Force Bill authorizes military intervention
  • Britain ends slavery in the West Indies

  • Reaper invented/Whig party organized

    Reaper invented/Whig party organized
    -Reaper increases desire for western land
    -Increases production and profit for farmers, who will become dependent on the market for their lively hood
    -Bank wars hamper the ability to buy land
    -Whig party is organized in opposition to Jackson's policies and supports expansion
  • South tightens black codes, burns abolitionist literature

    -Illegal to teach a slave to read and write-
    -slaves could not leave owners property without a pass
    -Not allowed to gather in groups
    -Communication and movement were restricted
  • Gag rule prevents debates on slavery

    -Rule was passed in Congress to prevent debate about slavery
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    _Cherokee were forcibly removed and relocated to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi.
    -16,000 were removed; 4,000 died from harsh winter conditions
  • Telegraph

    • Immediately sped up the process of communication -News could travel across the country in minutes -Distant events became immediate and closer -Broadened a sense of community and strengthened a sense of nationalsim
  • George Fitzhugh: defense of slavery

    George Fitzhugh: defense of slavery
  • Hinton Helper publishes The Impending crisis

    Hinton Helper publishes The Impending crisis
  • "King Cotton" speech

    "King Cotton" speech