The Slave Trade 1419-1865

  • Apr 29, 1419

    Explorations to Africa

    Prince Henry the Navergator establishes an exploation center in Sagres, Portugal, to gather geographical and mairitime information and to devise new navigational instruments and seagoing vessels. Over the next several years, Henry creats updated maps and over-sees the development of the caravel. In addition, the prince launches numerus expeditions to explore the western coasts of africa
  • Apr 29, 1441

    Slaves Brought to Europe

    One of prince henry's ships returns from africa with 12 captives. The africans are sold at Lagos, Portugal, for a tidy profit, sparking intrest in a potenceal slave trade.
  • Apr 1, 1444

    Henry Sends Ships to Africa for Slaves

    Henry dispaches an expedition to Africa's western coast specifically to bring back human cargo. Europeans gradually establish ties with African slave murchants, and the slave trade begins in earnest. A portion of the slaves work as domestic servants, farmers, and craftsmen, but most slaves work as sugar cane farmers
  • Apr 30, 1487

    Explorer Reaches South Africa

    Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias de Novais reaches the southern tip of Africa by sea
  • Apr 30, 1492

    Chirstopher Columbus Sails to Caribbean

    Searching for a new route to India, Cristopher Columbus sails west ftom Spain and lands in the Caribbean. He reaturns to spain with a glowing report of the New World and its stunning wealth in gold and free Indian labor.
  • Apr 30, 1499

    De Gama Sails Around Africa

    Vasco de Gama sails around the African continent to the Indian subcontinent and back again, opening trade between Portugal and Asia. British, Dutch, and French traders enter the African trade, initially focusing on precious metals and spices rather than slaves
  • Apr 30, 1515

    Las Casas is against enslavement of Native Americas

    Father Bartholome de La Casas campaigns against the enslavement of Native Americans and suggests that Europeans or Africans provide labor in Spanish colonies.
  • Apr 30, 1518

    Shipment of Slaves is Sent to the Americas

    The Spanish crown authorizes the first direct shipment of slaves from Africa to the Americas
  • Apr 30, 1526

    Ruler Overthrown in Congo

    Mani-Congo Nzinga Mbemba, ruler of the Congo empire, attempts to end the slave trade but is stripped of power by his own nobles; the profits and weapons gained from the slave trade motivate many Africans to cooperate with European slavers.
  • Apr 30, 1539

    African Man Leads Spanish in the American Southwest

    Estevanico (or Estevanillo), a north African leads the first Spanish expedition into the American southwest and meets his death at the hands of hostile Native Americans. Many Africans play important roles in the Spanish exploration and conquest of the New World.
  • May 1, 1572

    A Runaway Slave Helps English Seaman Raid Spanish Settelments

    Diego, a runaway African slave, assists English seaman Francis Drake in raiding Spanish settlements and transport ships. Diego, who directs other free blacks in helping the English cause, also acts as Drake’s personal assistant.
  • Spain Grants a Permit for Slaves to be Sent to its Colones

    Spain begins granting the asient, a permit for a foreign trader to ship a certain number of slaves to its Central and South America. As merchants from more European countries acquire the asiento, the slave trade becomes a booming industry.
  • The Dutch Introduce the First Blacks to North America

    A Dutch ship lands in Jamestown, Virginia, and sells 20 African captives , the first blacks in the north American colonies
  • Massachusetts Arrests Slave Merchants and Returns Captives Back to Africa

    Massachusetts authorities arrest two slave merchants and return their captives to Africa because the traders had violated a law against kidnapping and selling men. The distinction between stealing men and trading slaves is extremely slight, though, and the law is not enforced
  • Slaves Teach Settlers to Convert Marshland Into Rice Fields

    African slaves teach Virginia settlers how to convert marshland into profitable rice fields. The slaves' knowledge and labor provide the engine for economic development in the New World.
  • Maryland Creates a Law that Bans Interracial Relationships

    Maryland adopts the first antimiscegenation law, which bans interracial relationships. By the early 1700s, Virginia, Massachusetts, North Carolina, South Carolia, and Delaware have aslo imposed harsh punishments for intermarriage
  • Virginia Dicids That Chirstianty Dosn't Change a Slave's Status

    Virginia decrees that to conversion to Christianity does not change a slaves status, and other colonies soon pass similar laws. Race, rather than religion, becomes the defining factor of who can be enslaved
  • Nathanial Bacon Leads a Group of Whites in a Revolt

    Virginian Nathanial Bacon leads a group of poor, discontented whites in a revolt against colonial governor. Fearing further such unreast, Virginia's goverment encourages the impotation of African slaves instead of British indentured servants.
  • A Protestant clergyman writes The Negro Christianized

    Bostonian Cotton Mather, an influencial Protestant clergyman, writes The Negro Christianized, which provides religious justification for the enslavement of "heathen" Africans and Native Americans.
  • Antiguans Torture Slave Leaders

    Suspecting a plot for revolt, white Antiguans torture slave leaders until they incriminate themselves and others; 88 blacks are executed during the crisis.
  • The American Colonies Sever Ties With Great Britain

    The American colonies sever ties with Great Britain. Thomas Jefferson attempts to include a condemnation of the British slave trade in the Declaration of Independence but southern gelegates to the Continental Congress object
  • Luke Collingwood, captain of the British slave ship Zong, chains together and throws overbord alot of slaves

    Luke Collingwood, captain of the British slave ship Zong, chains together and throws overbord 133 sick slaves to collects insurance. Collingwood is never charge3d with a crime, but his action greatly increase antislavery sentiment in England
  • Concerned Britons found the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade

    Concerned Britons found the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade and raise public awareness of the trade's brutality.
  • Toussaint L'Ouverture leads a slave rebellion in the French colony Santo Domingo

    Toussaint L'Ouverture leads a slave rebellion in the French colony Santo Domingo and spurs the creation of Haiti, the first independent black nation in the West.
  • England becomes the first nation to abolish the African slave trade.

    England becomes the first nation to abolish the African slave trade. The United States joins the ban the following year, but pirates from England and other nation continue the trade for several more decades.
  • Spain Abolishes Slavery

    Under pressure from England, Spain agrees to abolish its slave trade
  • The British navy attacks Brazilian slavers

    The British navy attacks Brazilian slavers; resenting sush interference, officials often aid illegal slave traders.
  • The Civil War ends

    The Civil War ends, and the 13th Amendment outlaws slavery in the United States.