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the road to ww2

  • hitler troops to the rhineland

    hitler troops to the rhineland
    hitler defeated the treaty of versailles. he ordered German troops to march into the rhineland
  • the Austrian authorities discovered that the austian nazis wanted to create chaos

    the Austrian authorities discovered that the austian nazis wanted to create chaos
    it was discovered by the austrian authorities that there was a plot by austrian nazis to create chaos in Austria by killing the german ambassador
  • Period: to

    Austria in crisis

    Austria was in a state of crisis. Locas nazis were making life dificult for the government of chancellor Kurt schuschnigg
  • Schuschnigg visited hitler

    Schuschnigg visited hitler
    Tthe Astrian leader, schuschnigg, visited Hitler for crisis talks in Germany. Hitler demanded that Nazis de allowed to join the Austrian government and be given control of law and order . Schuschnig felt he had no option and agreed to Hitler terms
  • Period: to

    Chamberlain was saying in private that Czecholovakia could not be saved

  • schuschnig made one last attempt to keep Austria independent

    schuschnig made one last attempt to keep Austria independent
    schuschnig made one last desperate attempt to keep Austria independent. he announce that there would be a plebiscite, of referendum, in Austria to decide whether Austrians wanted their country to remain independent
  • German army inavade Autria

    German army inavade Autria
    German army inveded Austria, arrests began inmediatly enemies of the nazis
  • Hitler met Henlenin to give him instructions

    Hitler met Henlenin to give him instructions
    Hitler met Henlenin to give him instructions. He told the sudeten leader to keep making demands that the Czechoslovak government could not possibily accept. By dragging out the negotiations. Hiter hoped to create a crisis over Czechoslovak
  • change of government in france

    change of government in france
    there was a change of government in france. The new prime minisiter, daladier, was not keen on the idea of going to war with Germany over czechoslovakia
  • Hiltler let his generals know that he decided to smash czechoslovakia by military action near the future

    Hiltler let his generals know that he decided to smash czechoslovakia by military action near the future
  • Hitler was ready to go to war agains Czechoslovakia

    Hitler was ready to go to war agains Czechoslovakia
    Hitler was ready to go to war agains Czechoslovakia. many of his generals disagreed. They were afraid that Britain and France would fight and they did not feel that Gernmay was ready for a large-scale war. Hitler refused to listen to generals
  • Henlein left Czechoslovakia

    Henlein left Czechoslovakia
    Henlein ordered local naziz to attack Czech and Jewish targets. As a result of this violence, negociatios between the Sudten Germans and Prague were brpken off. Henlenin left Czechoslovakia on 15 september
  • Chamberlain met Hitler in germany

    Chamberlain met Hitler in germany
    Chamberlain met Hitler in germany, Hitler complained to chamberlain about the treatment of the soudeten Germans
  • Daladier and Bonet come to London

    Daladier and Bonet come to London
    Daladier and Bonet come to London abd agreed to support the partiation of the Czechoslovak state in return for a british promise to defend what was left of the czechslovak state
  • Benes was told that he must hand over the Sudetenland

    Benes was told that he must hand over the Sudetenland
    the Czech president, Benes was told that he must hand over the Sudetenland. he was unhappy about this and he refused to cooperate at first
  • Chamberlain came to see Hitler

    Chamberlain came to see Hitler
    Chamberlain came to see Hitler, with bad news that Britain, France and Czechoslovakia had agreed to his proposals. Hitler refused to acept the deal he had suggested a week earlier
  • Hitler had agreed to a conference in munich

    Hitler had agreed to a conference in munich
    Hitler had agreed to a conference in munich with representatives of Britain, France and Italy, the conference would try to explore a peaceful solution to the crisis over Czechoslovakia
  • began munich conference

    began munich conference
  • British and French prime ministers agreed with Hitler on the terms of the annexation of the sudetenland

    British and French prime ministers agreed with Hitler on the terms of the annexation of the sudetenland
  • German troops marched unopposed into the sudetenland

    German troops marched unopposed into the sudetenland
    German troops marched unopposed into the sudetenland. The Czech president Benes, was forced to go into exile