The road to the American civil war

  • Missouri comprimise

    Missouri comprimise
    The north and the south have a discussion over the expansion of slavery. Henry clay calms down the debate.the Missouri comprimise was a series of laws that kept balance.
  • Comprimise of 1850

    Comprimise of 1850
    Congress had many arguements over if the land received from Mexico would be slave states or free states. Henry Clay makes a Comprimise. California became a free state. Congress did not pass any laws that banned slavery from other territories.
  • Fugitive slave law act

    Fugitive slave law act
    The fugitive slave law act was passed in 1850 by congress. It allowed African smericans who had escaped the south to be captured and returned. This increased tension
  • Uncle toms cabin

    Uncle toms cabin
    Harriet Stowe wrote a book called uncle toms cabin that tore the nation apart. It was written to show slavery had to be abolished
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    5000 people supported slavery came and voted illegally in Kansas
  • The dred Scott decision

    The dred Scott decision
    Drew scot and his wife sued for freedom. Later on the whole nation got divided in the issue and it went to Supreme Court.
  • Attack on harpers ferry

    Attack on harpers ferry
    John brown and his sons storm the weapons arsenal in the south and sacrifice their lives trying to supply slaves with weaponary
  • The election of 1860

    The election of 1860
    Abraham Lincoln wins election and the southern states begin to secede after he is elected