
The Road For Special Education Legislations

  • The American Asylum for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb

    The American Asylum for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb
    The American Asylum for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb was the first ever school for those with exceptionalities. The first class was seven people and then grew to 33. Children who were deaf and mute were the first to be enrolled in this school. The name of the school was then later changed to the American School for the Deaf. Since this was the first major effort towards recognizing the needs for those with exceptionalities, I felt it was very important to include this.
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    Special Education Legislations

  • The ARC

    The ARC
    Originally named, The National Association for Retarded Children (ARC), was founded through various meetings with parents and familiy members of children with exceptionalities. It is important to include this in the timeline because this shows a national movement that was occuring because parents wanted to reach out to other parents with children who had exceptionalitites to see ways in which they help children with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    Brown vs Board of Education was crucial in the progression of legislations for students with exceptionalities. This law kick-started the implementation of other laws the confronted issue of civil rights for students. After this law was passed, students civil rights rose to the forefront and this is why I feel like this law should have been included in the timeline.
  • Mills vs DC

    Mills vs DC
    This lawsuit is very important to include because it brought the issue to the table about unfair education for those with exceptionalities. This lawsuit was brought to court by parents and members of the community because those with exceptionalities were not recieving free and public education. This lawsuit created the opportunity for all children to recieve free and public education if they had any exceptionalities.
  • Rehabilitation Act

    Rehabilitation Act
    The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is important to include on this timeline because it helped to revise the authorization of grants to states for vocational rehibilitation services. This act also focused on helping those with severe disabilties. This act is a big deal because it prohibits the discrimination of programs recieving federal financial assistance and federal employment.
  • Individuals of Disabilities Act (IDEA)

    Individuals of Disabilities Act (IDEA)
    IDEA was a huge movement towards opportunities for those with exceptionalities. This is important to include on my timeline since this act helped to provide students with exceptionalities early intervention, special education, and services to better their learning experiences in public schools. IDEA helped to better the education of those with exceptionalities in the public school which had not been recognized before by many public schools.
  • NCLB

    No Child Left Behind was implemented to ensure that children in every public school did not "fall throught the cracks" of the school system. This impacts those with exceptionalities and should be included in this timeline because it requires those children who are learning disabled (LD) and limited English proficient (LEP) to be proficient in various content areas. The expectations of students learning and a teachers instruction within public schools greatly increased due to NCLB.