The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the USA

  • Tabacco production in America

    Tabacco production in America
    In 1612 the the first mass agricultural production of tobacco starts in Virginia. The growth of tobacco plays a pivital role in the use of slave labor in America. Although the 1st African slaves were not brought to America 'till 1619, the production of tabacco had a hand in bringing it about.
  • First Africans Brought to America.

    First Africans Brought to America.
    Although slavery was already in existance throughout much of Northern Europe and parts of Africa, the first slaves were brought to America to Virginia. With the growth of tobacco, plantation owners became desperate for a way to make their crops profitable.
  • Slave trade begans

    Slave trade begans
    Colonial North America's slave trade begins when the first American slave carrier, Desire, is built and launched in Massachusetts. African slaves were being introduced to America little by little, in 1636 the desire for land owners to turn a profit in their crops lead to other forms of the "industry" that was slave trade to "take to the waters".
  • First documented slave for life

    First documented slave for life
    John Punch, a runaway black servant, is sentenced to servitude for life. His two white companions are given extended terms of servitude. Punch is the first documented slave for life.In the earlir days of slavery an unofficial idea of eventual freedom from slavery was in existance. Due to his escape, Punch's actions lead to an offical declaration of slaves for life.
  • Fugative slave law

    Virginia passes a fugitive slave law. With the influx of slaves being brought into the Americas, many slaves began to make their escapes to other areas of the state. Land owners desperate to increas their own profits began to "aquire" the fugitive slaves. The law grants the original slave owners to brand or mark their slaves as a rancher would his cattle. The law also decrees that fugitive slaves be returned to their owners, or those found in possesion of them would face punishment.
  • Life long servetude

    The State of Maryland mandates lifelong servitude for all black slaves. New York, New Jersey, the Carolinas, and Virginia all pass similar laws. Many states began to fall in line with the earlier example set forth by the John Punch incedent. This act begans to wake up a sense of despiration among the slaves.
  • Bacon's Rebelion

    Bacon's Rebelion
    Bacon's Rebellion was an uprising in 1675 in the Virginia Colony in North America, led by a 29-year-old planter, Nathaniel Bacon.It was the first rebellion in the American colonies in which discontented frontiersmen took part; a similar uprising in Maryland would take place later that year. About a thousand Virginians (including former indentured servants, poor whites and poor blacks) rose up in arms against the rule of Virginia Governor William Berkeley.
  • Virginia law prohibits blacks from bearing arms

    The State of Virginia forbids blacks and slaves from bearing arms, prohibits blacks from congregating in large numbers, and mandates harsh punishment for slaves who assault Christians or attempt escape. These fears are brought on by small insurections of minor consequene that happen throughout the state, the fear another uprising as in Bacon's Rebelion.
  • SLaves forlife

    SLaves forlife
    Virginia declares that all imported black servants are slaves for life.The life long servitude is declared upon all blacks being brought into the Americas. Taking away from even the indentured black servants any hopes of freedom.
  • Slave ship uprising

    Slave ship uprising
    Slaves aboard the ship of New Hampshire Captain John Major kill both captain and crew, seizing the vessel and its cargo. Proof that all humans desire the hope of liberty and freedom, the slaves rise up and take it to their task masters.
  • Petition for freedom

    Petition for freedom
    Slaves in Massachusetts unsuccessfully petition the government for their freedom. In a desperate hope to gain some kind of voice to prove they are thinking men and not chattle, a group of slaves form to have their rights given.
  • Abolitionist Society

    Abolitionist Society Anthony Benezet of Philadelphia founds the world’s first abolitionist society. Benjamin Franklin becomes its president in 1787. Many whites who are disgusted by the treatment of slaves began to form groups who protest and even work towards their release from servetude.
  • Freedom claus

    A freedom clause in the Massachusetts constitution is interpreted as an abolishment of slavery. Massachusetts enfranchises all men regardless of race.
  • Smuggling of slaves

    United States Bans Slave Trade Importing African slaves is outlawed, but smuggling continues. Because of the influx and overpopulation of slaves, all legal importtion is stopped.
  • 36, 30

    36, 30
    Missouri Compromise Missouri is admitted to the Union as a slave state, Maine as a free state. Slavery is forbidden in any subsequent territories north of latitude. States began to declare their stand on the slave condition. .
  • Slave Revolt

    Slave Revolt
    Missouri Compromise Missouri is admitted to the Union as a slave state, Maine as a free state. Slavery is forbidden in any subsequent territories north of latitude .
  • Slave revolt Virginia

    Slave Revolt: Virginia Slave preacher Nat Turner leads a two-day uprising against whites, killing about 60. Militiamen crush the revolt then spend two months searching for Turner, who is eventually caught and hanged. Enraged Southerners impose harsher restrictions on their slaves.
  • Harriet Tubman

    Harriet Tubman
    Harriet Tubman and the Underground RailroadHarriet Tubman Escapes After fleeing slavery, Tubman returns south at least 15 times to help rescue several hundred others. Her courage inspires many more slaves and abolishunist to join in the "underground railroad".
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    Although the Cival War was focused upon the protection of the unification of the states, it is latter encouaged into the focus of emancipation of the slaves. Issues of escaped blacks joining up to fight with the Union inspire Lincoln to take up their cause. His strategy latter proves very helpful in the cause of the Union. Although the official Declaration to the wars end are on May 9 1865, the last shots continue to ring out 'till June 22 of that year.
  • Slavery Abolished

    Slavery Abolished
    Slavery Abolished The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution outlaws slavery. The end of the Civil War also brings end to slavery in the United States.