The Revolutionary Era

  • The Proclamation

    This stated that the Appalachian mountains were the western border of the colonies. This angered many colonists because they were allowed to purchase land over there and use it until this law was passed.
  • Sugar Act

    This act lowered the cost of molasses to make the colonists pay the taxes insted of smuggling.
  • Stamp Act

    This added tax on anything that was printed. Ex: Newspapers, letters, etc. This was very harsh on the colonies because the newspaper was the only way to get information at home, and letters were the only way of long distance communication.
  • Townshend Acts

    This was after the failed stamp act. It only put taxes on imported goods. Even though this may seem good, it put taxes on simple things like sugar, tea, glass, and lead.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The tensions between the Boston colonists and the British soldiers was becoming almost intolerable. Eventually one day the people finally snapped and started picking up weapons on the street and chasing the red coats. Eventually after taunting the soldiers they finally shot many times killing five people. The colonists were appauled and this was known as the boston massacre.
  • Samuel Adam sets up a committee of correspondence

    In 1772 Samuel Adams revived the Boston Comittee of Correspondance, which was an earlier group that protested. He gathered them together so they could rebel against the British and fight for their independence.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    Late night on December 16, 1773 three ships with tea were docking in the Boston Harbor. They wanted to turn around because they had suspicions, but the royal governor wouldn't let them. When they were forced to unload the tea, people attacked. These men were dressed as mohawks and climbed on board all three of the ships. At midnight they threw 342 chests of tea into the harbor.
  • Intolerable Acts

    After hearing of the Boston Tea Party, King George was convinced Britain was losing power over the colonies. He passed the Coercive acts, which were very harsh laws on Massachussets because of what the people of Boston did. They closed the Boston harbor, banned town meetings, and permitted officers to be tried in different colonies or even Britain! The colonists showed their feelings by renaming the laws to the Intolerable Acts.
  • First Continental Congress meets

    They colonial leaders realized that they needed to gain their own liberties. In September 1774, 55 men arrived in the city of Philadelphia. These men had come to establish a political body to represent what America stood for and to challenge the British.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    At dawn the redcoats aproached Lexington. When they reached the middle of town they discovered a group of around 70 men who had been alerted by Revere and dawes. Led by John Parker, the men had position themselves on the town square with muskets ready. A shot was fired, and then everyone went crazy. When the fighting was over, eight men were dead. The british continued their march to Concord. At concords North bridge more men were waiting for them. This was the beginning of America's fight.