The Remains of Doctors Bass

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    Begins after four minutes after death, the digestive enzymes begin gnawing on cells.
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    Rigor Mortis

    Rigor Mortis
    The muscle fibers that are free are metabolized causing a temporary profound stiffness.
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    Digestive Bacteria

    Digestive Bacteria
    The bacteria begins nibbling on the body itself and then self destruct/
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    Flies lay their eggs at every exposed opening area on the body and the newborn maggots makes a meal of the cadaver.
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    Rigor mortis rapidly reproducing anaerobic bacteria have expelled enough gas that the skin takes on a green tinge
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    Putrescene and Cadaverine

    Putrescene and Cadaverine
    swelling of the abdomen
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    Day 10

    Day 10
    Bloating around the abdomen occurs and so does saponification