The Progressive Movement Chapter 18

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    Chapter 18

  • Ida Tarbell

    Ida Tarbell
    Born in western Pennsylvania. She told the history for the "Standard Oil Company". After she went to college she bacame a popular series writer for McClure's.
  • Samuel Gompers

    Samuel Gompers
    He was the AFL union leader. Gompers used same structure of organization as the trusts. The AFL group excluded unskilled workers.
  • Lawrence Veiller

    Lawrence Veiller
    Settlement house worker. He attacked irresponsible tenement owners. He was the secretary of New York State Tenement House of Commission.
  • Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)

    Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)
    Led a big crusade against alcohol. The ASL or the Anti-Saloon League was also in this union. There was thousands of volunteer speakers that were speaking for this crusade.
  • Industrial workers of the world (IWW)

    Industrial workers of the world (IWW)
    this group opposed capitalism. this group consisted mostly of Gompers and AFL unions.This was found in Chicago.The leader of the IWW is named William Haywood.
  • Muckrakers

    Theodores speech described this man as a "muckrake who fixes his eyes." A Muckraker is someone who rakes up the exposed muck or filth of the socitey.the image from Theodores speech and stuck with every one.
  • Daniel Burnham

    Daniel Burnham
    A famous architect and city planner. Produced a plan for redesigning the city of Chicago. His was the first plan to redesign Chicago.
  • Female and child laborers

    Female and child laborers
    Women usually worked as factory workers, store clerks, and laundresses. didnt make much money in a week at least $6. if you worked to fast you were punished!
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
    500 employees most of them being young were caught in a fire. this fire was started by a fire in the rag bin. people from the top floors were trapped and the elevators were jammed they could not get out. 140 people were killed.
  • The Eighteenth Amendment

    The Eighteenth Amendment
    Congress propsed this very amendment. This barred manufacture, sale, and distirbution of alcoholic drinks. The states ratified this amendment in 1919