Progressive era

The Progressive Era

  • Sherman Anti-trust Act

    Sherman Anti-trust Act
    This act made it legal for corporations to get control of industries by making trusts. Roosevelt believed that workers, consumers, and big businesses should have a square deal.
  • Muckraking School Opened

    Muckraking School Opened
    The book "Tweed Days in Saint Louis" was written by Steffens and Wetmore triggered the opening of the first muckraking school. Muckrakers were very important during this time period because they were the people that really strived for and pushed for reform.
  • Lochner vs. New York

    Lochner vs. New York
    This case was an important step for the workingman. The outcome of this case led to the protection of individual rights rather than the economy. The reform in this case was important to the future of the working man and made reform to look out for individuals, which was a goal of the progressive era.
  • The Meat Inspection Act

    The Meat Inspection Act
    In 1906 Roosevelt signed the meat inspection act. The act made a government meat inspection program to make sure all the meats were being packaged properly and all the conditions were sanitary.
  • Creation of the NAACP

    Creation of the NAACP
    The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was created. This was a major advancement for society in making everyone equal.
  • The Sixteenth Amendment

    The Sixteenth Amendment
    The Sixteenth amenment gave congress the power to make income taxes. It was made so the the government could make more money.
  • National Child Labor Committee

    National Child Labor Committee
    This committee was used to help better the conditions of child labor. By 1912, this committee had helped better the conditions of child labor by passing laws in 39 states.
  • The Seventeenth Amendment

    The Seventeenth Amendment
    The seventeenth amendment provided a right for the people to cast a direct vote in each state for the senators.
  • The Eighteenth Ammendment

    The Eighteenth Ammendment
    The Eighteenth amendment prohibited the making and sale of alcoholic beverages.
  • The Nineteenth Amendment

    The Nineteenth Amendment
    This amendment gave women the right to vote. It stated that the right to vote will not be restricted by the U.S. government depending on the sex of the person.