The Founder

  • Auguste Comte

    Auguste Comte
    Auguste Comte was born January 19th, 1798. He was raised in Montpellier France. Auguste founded the study of sociology and was well known for his study in social evolution. He died September 5th , 1857.
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  • Sociology

    Sociology helped us study human behavior, the positive and negatives of social interactions and relationships, and the influence of culture based on the current social norm. This study Developed into other stages named empiriocriticism, logical positivism, logical empiricism, and what we know today as analytic philosophy.
  • Positivism

    Auguste was major contribution to sociology was Positivism. This is a philosophical theory, that all knowledge based on factual evidence has been provided by quantitative experience and beyond the world of facts these phenomenon's can be understood through reason and logic.
  • The Catechism of Positive Religion

    The Catechism of Positive Religion
    Auguste believed that the Roman catholic church could play an imperative role in society. If it began to separate association from Christianity, it could be used symbolically. It would control education, social norms, and morality. The interest of the country would be in the hands of businessman while morality would be in the soft care of mothers. Auguste believed in a hierarchy, that the government should be controlled by few to control the many.